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Ben.C.L. - Visualizing his true love for nature

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 10th of March 2025


Ben.C.L.'s landscape photographs are breathtakingly beautiful. Photography is his main hobby and his favourite way to relax by finding beauty in the world around him. It also became part of his lifestyle. Ben quotes: "My photographic vision is to explore the subject first, before attuning to the inherent aesthetic nature of the subject, and then using my photographic tools to depict and present it visually".
Let his wonderful work knock your socks off, as it does mine every time I see one of his works.


'Seashore Rainbow'


Dear Ben, first of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire! First of all, please introduce yourself and tell us more about yourself, your hobbies or other projects you are involved in!

I'm honoured to have the opportunity to be interviewed! Professionally, I am a registered engineer and work as a technical manager for a bakery company. However, as a passionate nature lover, my hobbies are anything that brings me closer to the great outdoors, so travelling, hiking, camping and outdoor gymnastics with my wife have become important parts of my everyday life. Poetry and photography have always been my favourite ways of capturing the most memorable moments of my experiences.


When and how did your photographic journey begin?


'Romantic Night'

I first encountered film cameras during my university days, borrowing and playing with them here and there. I didn't pick up a camera until my son was born, 30 years ago now, when I bought my first film SLR - just to capture his daily growth and milestones! My serious photographic journey really began in 2017, after a failed attempt to capture the Aurora Borealis. We were waiting during a dark midnight in minus 30°C and the horizon had a dark peachy glow. The light from the aurora was incredibly rich and powerful, but all my photos came out as dark as the horizon. I had misunderstood that f/22 was the biggest and best aperture - this miserable lesson became my greatest shame and the best weekend joke of my life, but also the starting point of my photographic journey!


For many of us photography is either a hobby or a way of life. How would you define your relationship to photography?


'Morning Vibe'

So far, photography is my main hobby and my favourite way to relax between jobs, finding beauty in the world around me - it's safe to say it's become part of my lifestyle!


What would you say is the most important experience that has influenced your steps in photography?


'Ice Jellyfishes'

In terms of professional photography, 2018 was a real turning point for me because I made a new friend, Louie Luo (louieluo), who was the one who introduced me to the gates of photography! He has since become my close photographer buddy.


You have your own style. Why are you so attracted to landscape photography?


'Cove View'

I grew up in a beautiful landlocked village with rolling hills deep in southern China. That childhood became my most beautiful and nostalgic memory. I believe that the love of landscape has been in my genes for a long time.


What is more important to you, the mood/story behind your images or the technical perfection?


'Crystal Morning'

They are all equally important in making a good photo, but technical perfection is a must for a top-class landscape image!

What is your relationship to your subjects in general, beyond that of an observer? Do you carefully prepare the places you want to photograph?


'Ice Wreckage in Belssing Halo'

I treat my subjects as destiny - I trust that every existence and experience must have its own reasons. Usually I only do a very rough and loose preparation of the place I am going to photograph and leave the rest to God's plan and my exploration.


Describe your overall photographic vision.


'Romantic Stave'

My photographic vision is to explore the subject first, before attuning to the inherent aesthetic nature of the subject, and then using my photographic tools to depict and present it visually.


What are the main features of a successful landscape photographer in your opinion?


'Embrace The Sea With Open Arms'

A successful landscape photographer must hone his or her ability to organise a chaotic scene into cohesive aesthetic harmony through framing, light, tone, contrast, colour and so on, to name but a few.


Could you please tell us more about your workflow from idea to final product?


'Gone With The Wind'

My workflow is very simple and straightforward! I use Lightroom for basic tone, colour adjustment and denoising, then export the piece to Photoshop for fine adjustments. The order is usually 1. Composition; 2. Light and contrast; 3. Colours; 4. Dodge and burn; and finally 5. saturation.


Where do you look to find inspiration and what inspires you the most?


'Frozen City'

Exploring the great forms of nature and looking for the underlying beauty of ordinary scenes are the best and most exciting inspirations for me. I often go on nature walks with my wife, and I think in her company we share a lot of creative ideas and support each other!


Many people think that the equipment is not very important when the passion for photography is strong. But could you please tell us what equipment you use (camera, lenses, lighting, tripod, etc.)?


'Loneliest Inn'


I totally agree with this concept. My equipment is very simple. I use Nikon D750 and D850; Nikon 14mm~24mm, 24mm~70mm for landscape, plus tripod and natural light. I never use lights or filters, and pay close attention to the weather and time of day.


What would be your favourite photo? Please tell us the story behind it.


'Ruby Wedding rng'

Ruby Wedding Ring is my favourite so far! The shape and colour of the magpie bridge, as well as the ground, all come together to evoke a giant ruby wedding ring. Fun fact: This also coincides with the 2000 year old Chinese romantic legend of "Cowherd and Weaver Girl", where a cowherd crosses a magpie bridge to be reunited with his true love.


Who are your favourite photographers or mentors whose works have influenced you and your photography?


'Nostalgic Little Fishing Village'

Both Ansel Adams’ Zone System and Henri Carti-Bresson’s Decisive Moment are the most important guidelines in my heart. There are a lot of great photographers on 1X Gallery as well—I come across lots of fantastic photos every single day!


Now that we have almost reached the end of this interview, I would like to ask you to tell us about any plans or photographic projects you would like to be involved in.


'Sweet Dream'

I have always dreamed of another opportunity to capture the Northern Lights properly. I hope to make a trip to Iceland soon, perhaps after my daughter graduates this spring, so that I can experience the Aurora Borealis again with my wife (who is also a talented photographer) and family!


Is there anything else you would like to add and what do you think of 1X as a home base for your work?


'Early Cloudsy Dawn'

1X is a very good platform to get to know so many talented people and it has opened my eyes to the more ingenious creativity that exists in this community.



Wonderful collections, well deserved Ben, congrats!!! Many thanks dear Yvette for presenting another excellent photographer to us!
Thank you so much! Molly, really appreciated
Absolutely beautiful and amazing. I am always amazed by your work. Congratulations, my dear friend.
Thank you so much! Hadi, I am so shocked all the time by your creative wisdom to organize lines, shapes, colours into a powerful and meaningful picture
Your beautiful images remind us what a beautiful world we live in. My best compliments, dear Ben!
Thank so much! Makoto, really appreciated
Wonderful! article and fabulous! images. Congratulations! Ben and good luck for the future.
Thank you very much! Garyholman
Wonderful gallery of nature sceneries, so well presented and lighted, with an interesting interview dear Ben, my warmest compliments.
Thank you so much for your kind comments! I really admire your architecture photos with brilliant colours contrast, fantastic perspective and composition
Strong work and a fine story, congratulations Ben
Thank you so much! Luc, really like your architecture photos with outstanding focal point and fantastic background depth
Beautiful gallery nature & landscape images, dear Ben,. Congratulations 🎉
Thank you so much! Mrinal
Wonderful report with beautiful photos !! Congrats !!
Thank you very much! Gila
Technicaly super, very decorative images.
Thank you very much! Vladimir
Great work. Congratulations!!
Thank you so much! Subhajit
Thank you very much! Jordiegeatorrent
Excellent and beautiful works with the amazing article! Congratulations!
Thank you so much! Wanghan Li
Amazing congratulations
Thank you very much! Carlo
Beautiful story and beautiful shots. Heartfelt congratulations 👏👏👏
Thank you so much! Slawomir
Mei Xu PRO
Amazing images, congrats!
Thank you so much! Mei Xu
Dear Ben I admire your wonderful landscape photographs since longer time, excellent photo work in all aspects, I agree with you that the RUBBY WEDDING RING is one of your best, but I like very much the SWEET DREAMS photo, accept my congratulations and many many thanks to Yvette for arranging this interesting interview and bringing it to us.
Thanks for your appreciation, Miro!
Thank you so much for your kind words! Miro. I am so impressed by your peaceful winter shots and meticulous patterns and composition.
I am fascinated by the world of these very beautiful photographic works! Thank you so much for an interesting and inspiring interview!
Thank you so much! Eiji, really appreciated
Outstanding how you master light and composition. I really love you images and I also see the effort in any picture to stay outside in any condotion. Well deserved to be featured...
Thank you so much! Michael, very encouraging
My compliments for your stunning landscape images. Thanks for sharing it.
Thank you so much! Very kind
Congratulations on your well-deserved interview with, Ben! You are an exceptional landscape photographer, and your talent shines through in your stunning compositions and masterful use of light. As your best friend, I can also attest to the hard work you put into every shot.
Thank you so much! louie
Thank you so much! John Fan, really appreciated
Thanks a lot for this article and this interesting interview ! Congratulations for these amazing pictures, Ben !
Thank you so much! Gian, very kind
Breathtaking landscape pictures, Congrats! And thank you for sharing your wonderful story!
Thank you so much! Jian Xu, really appreciated
Nice collection. Congrats ++
Thank you very much! Larry
nice files, good work.
Thank you very much! Yongnan Li
Wonderful collection of landscapes pictures, Congrats!
Thank you very much! Yanny Liu
Your work is amazing Ben..I follow all your lovely images..It was great reading your excellent interview Congratulations for the feature..Thank you for introducing us to the inspiring photographer dear Yvette
thanks for your appreciation, Rana!
Thank you so much! Rana, really appreciate your kind comments
Spectacular capture congrats
Thank you very much! Pang Teng Lin
Spectacular photography - thanks for the wonderful post here!
Thank you very much! Stephan
Amazing shots Ben, Bravo!
Thank you very much! Iris