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Results contest: 'Capture the night'

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 29th of January 2025


'Capture the night' 
As the sun sets and darkness falls, a whole new realm of photography awaits. From enchanting cityscapes illuminated by dazzling light, the night offers endless opportunities for awe-inspiring imagery. Admire the submissions to this challenge.

The winners with the most votes are: 

1st place : Alessandro Traverso

2nd place : Antonyus Bunjamin (Abe)
3rd place : Susanne Jung

Congratulations to the winners and honourable mentions and thanks to all the participants in the contest 'Capture the night' 


The currently running theme is 'Silhouettes'
Silhouettes are a beautiful way to play with light and to add variety and drama to your work. One of the greatest facets of photography is the storytelling behind the images. In silhouette photography, you do not get to see the entire story. This adds to the drama and mystery of the image, thus making your audience wanting more.

This contest will end on Sunday the 9th of February at midnight.
The sooner you upload your submission the more chance you have to gather the most votes.
If you haven't uploaded your photo yet, click here

Good luck to all the participants.


1st place by Alessandro Traverso
2nd place by Antonyus Bunjamin (Abe)
3rd place by Susanne Jung
by Piet Haaksma
by Urs Zimmermann
by Diana Simion
by Louie Luo
by Derya Doni
by Lost in Woodlands
by J-A Chazal
You can see the names of the TOP 50 here.  

The contests are open to everybody except to crew members.
Submitting images already published / awarded on 1x is allowed.

Wonderful! Images to view. Thank you! and Congratulations! to all Photographers.
Excellent photography.. Congratulations to. All photographer and team 1x
Thank you so much Yvette and everyone else.
Awesome photos love them all - Congrats to all the winners
Some great images, great work by all.
Congratulations to all winners
Wonderful night photos, congratulations to all winners and all honoured photographers, and more success in the future to other non mentioned participants
Outstanding shots from all. Congrats
Stunning images. Congratulations to all authors!
Beautiful photo’s, well done to all the photographers involved.
Stunning pictures ! Congratulations to all photographers !!!
Congrats to all the participants!! Thank you for choosing my photo as honorable mention!!
Congratulations to all participants! I really enjoy seeing these pictures!