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Results contest : Cuteness

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 16th of October 2024

My apologies for the late publication of these results.
See you here next week for the results of 'Man's best friend'.


Discover the magic of cuteness in everyday life. Whether your seeking inspiration, a dose of positivity or the perfect image to share, cute is treasury. All the submissions were a tiny bundle of cuteness and sweatness.

The winners with the most votes are: 

1st place : Giuseppe Satriani  

2nd place : Irene Wu   
3rd place : brigitte van krimpen 

Congratulations to the winners and honourable mentions and thanks to all the participants in the contest 'Rural Landscapes' 


The currently running theme is 'Man's best friend'.
When photographing dogs, be relaxed and have fun. Change perspectives, get the right light, relate to them, focus on the eyes. Offer toys and treats, anticipate and most of all: be patient.

This contest will end on Sunday the 20st of October at midnight.
The sooner you upload your submission the more chance you have to gather the most votes.
If you haven't uploaded your photo yet, click here

Good luck to all the participants.


1st place: Giuseppe Satriani



2nd place : Irene Wu

3rd place : brigitte van krimpen
by Leif Løndal
by Petr Kozelek
by Petra Dvorak
by Arsen Alaberdov
by Luciano Caturegli
by Sita Gramich
by Mohammad Dadsetan
You can see the names of the TOP 50 here.  

The contests are open to everybody except to crew members.
Submitting images already published / awarded on 1x is allowed.

Cute, lovely images. Congratulations to all the winners!
Wonderful Serie
cuteness is a fully emotional theme. Thanks!
Congratulations to all the winners and participants for bringing the absolute cuteness into the spotlight ❤️
Adorable collections, congrats to all the winners and participants!
Enviable photographs. Congratulations to its authors
Congratulations to every participant and thanks to the ones who voted to me!
Love, all look so natural.
Some beautiful images! Congrats to all!
Very good selection!
Lovely photos.
Wonderful images of cuteness in everyday life. Congratulations to the winners.