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Haruyo Sakamoto - Street Stories and Mood

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 7th of October 2024


Through photography, Haruyo Sakamoto has discovered many new insights into her everyday life. She quotes:I enjoy capturing moments based on intuition in the act of 'photographing'. When I photograph, I don't rely on complex theories or deep philosophies, nor do I think about complicated things. I simply appreciate the moment in front of me and follow my own feelings to press the shutter. This approach feels the most natural and comfortable to me. In the future, I want to continue to photograph freely, trusting my own perspective and enjoying the process.”  Enjoy this journey through her work and learn more about this fine artist.


'One Summer Day'


Dear Haruyo, first of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire! First of all, please introduce yourself and tell us more about yourself, your hobbies or other projects you are involved in!
I live in Japan and have been photographing for about 12 years. My children have become independent and moved out, so now I live with my husband. Since I have a lot of free time, I often go out to shoot by myself and enjoy photography as a hobby. My husband and my daughter have sometimes helped me as models.


'With birds'


When and how did your photographic journey begin?
Before photography became a hobby, I enjoyed gardening. I used to take pictures of the flowers in my garden with my husband's compact camera, but I was captivated by the beautiful flower photos I saw online and decided to buy a DSLR. For the first 2 or 3 years I concentrated on capturing seasonal flowers, autumn leaves and cherry blossoms. However, with the advice of my photography teacher, I gradually moved from nature photography to portraiture. Later, I started posting my photos on Flickr and discovered the joy of sharing them with people all over the world.


'move forward'





For many of us, photography is either a hobby or a way of life. How would you define your relationship to photography?
Through photography I have discovered many new insights into my everyday life. Through the lens of my camera, I have come to see artistic value in a single fallen leaf, a rusty door, a cracked wall and even the silently woven spider webs. I also enjoy noticing the changes in light and the shapes of shadows, which has made everyday scenes much richer.


'One rainy day'



'Art Park'



'Rainy day'


You have your own style, but your work is very diverse.  I see architectural photography, but also some street photography. Can you explain why that is?
I don't have a particular genre that I'm attached to, as I find a unique charm in every genre. I've enjoyed photographing different subjects without sticking to one style. However, lately I've been concentrating on street photography. The reason for this is that I have a hip problem in both legs and although the pain has gone thanks to surgery, I still need a cane when I go out to shoot. There's a possibility that I may need a second operation in the future, which could temporarily limit my ability to walk. That's why I want to enjoy street photography while I still can.


'The Boy at the Festival'



'The Solemn'


What is more important to you, the mood/story behind your images or technical perfection?
I am very drawn to work that evokes a sense of narrative and atmosphere. Although I have yet to fully master the use of editing software, I sometimes use it to compensate for my lack of shooting skills.


'step by step'


In general, what is your relationship to your subjects, beyond that of an observer?
Do you prepare carefully the places you want to photograph?

I enjoy walking and photographing alone in unfamiliar cities, often capturing encounters with the unknown and serendipitous moments. I love the urban landscapes of towering buildings and the atmosphere of crowded alleyways, so I travel about two hours each way to places like Osaka and Kyoto. I also have a passion for photographing rainy scenes and have focused on the theme of 'rain' in my work.


'Early in the afternoon'





Describe your overall photographic vision.
Photography is a vital means of self-expression for me and the only tool through which I can reflect my inner self. I want to expand my range of expression, cherish my own sensibility and perspective, and create unique work.


'Playing by oneself'



'pass each other'


Could you please tell us more about your workflow from idea to final product?
I enjoy capturing everyday, mundane moments and refining them according to my own vision. This process creates something that only I can express. When shooting, I prefer simple and artistic backgrounds. When I find such backgrounds, I plan the placement of people while waiting for passers-by to enter the frame. For post-processing, I use Lightroom Classic to adjust exposure and contrast, and I often use Nik Collection.


'After the rain'


Where do you find inspiration and what inspires you most?
Exploring unfamiliar cities is a source of inspiration for me. It provides the stimulation needed to take photographs from a fresh perspective.




Many people think that the equipment is not very important when the passion for photography is strong. But can you please tell us what equipment you use (camera, lenses, lighting, tripod, etc.)?
Good equipment would be better, but most of my street photography is done with a compact camera. I bought a SONY DSC-RX100 I, attracted by its lightness, compactness, excellent AF and zoom functions. I have replaced it several times and am currently using the VII. On rainy nights I sometimes take my Canon EOS RP and a 35mm f/1.8 or .50mm f/1.8 single lens with me, but as I carry a cane, the compactness of the RX100 helps me on rainy days. I mainly share my photos online, but printing is limited to around A3 size, so the compact has done the job so far.




What is your favourite photo? Please tell us the story behind it.
This photo was taken in a building in Tokyo. That day, after walking around Tokyo all day taking pictures, I was exhausted and finally found a chair to sit down and take a break. What caught my eye was the beautiful reflection on the floor. It was one of the many images I got so lost in that I took a lot of shutters!




Who are your favourite photographers or mentors whose work has influenced you and your photography?
When I first started doing street photography, I came across the book 'Children the Year Around' (
童暦) by Japanese photographer Shoji Ueda. I was deeply moved by the beauty of black and white photography and its poetic expression. It feels like the starting point of my photography. The passion for photography shown by my teachers has been very inspiring, and the time spent shooting and discussing photography with friends has been incredibly fulfilling.


'Living in the Water'





Now that we have almost reached the end of this interview, I would like to ask you to tell us about your plans or photographic projects that you would like to participate in.
Fortunately, I will be participating in the 1x Artist Exhibition "This is it !”, which will be held in Tokyo next March.


Is there anything else you would like to add and what do you think of 1X as a home base for your work?
I enjoy capturing moments based on intuition in the act of 'photographing'. When I photograph, I don't rely on complex theories or deep philosophies, nor do I think about complicated things. I simply appreciate the moment in front of me and follow my own feelings to press the shutter. This approach feels most natural and comfortable to me.
In the future, I want to continue to photograph freely, trusting my own perspective and enjoying the process.
When I first encountered 1X, I was amazed by its beauty and deeply inspired, which created a strong admiration within me. As I continued to photograph, I set myself the goal of winning at least one award, which is how I connected with 1X. The platform has always been a place of learning and constant growth for me. It feels like a cornerstone of my photographic journey and I look forward to continuing to engage with the wonderful work on display at 1X.
I am grateful for the opportunity to be invited for this interview; it will be a great encouragement to me as I move forward. Thank you very much.


It is a great pleasure for me to see an artist whom I respect featured in the magazine. Thanks dear Yvette! Congratulations dear Sakamoto san!!
Thank you so much for the wonderful article with great photos. It's very inspiring!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that comment, dear Yamamoto!
Beautiful street photography collections dear Haruyo, congrats! Thanks dear Yvette for another excellent photographer presented!
Thank you so much for the kind words, dear Fu!
Stunning street photography thank you Yvette for bringing this amazing photographer to our attention and thank you Haruyo for your amazing eye and skills.
Thank you very much for your kind comment. I feel honored, dear Dixon!
Love this collection presented! Wonderful imaginative work so well done. I so enjoy the article, the interview, the images!
Thank you for your very kind comment, dear King!
Thank you very much Yvette for introducing an inspiring photographer. Congratulations, dear Haruyo! I admire your outstanding work and like your photography philosophy: 'appreciate the moment and follow your feelings to press the shutter"!
I love your photos. I am honored to receive your comment. Thank you so much, dear Gong!
Minagawa san コメントありがとうございます♪1Xでも素晴らしい作品拝見できるのを楽しみにしております。
Dear Haruyo, wonderful interview and excellent works.. Congratulations for the feature and best wishes for your photography projects. Thank you presenting the interview dear Yvette
Dear Rana, I am honored to receive such a wonderful comment. Thank you so much!
축하합니다 !!! 깊이 빠져들게 되었습니다.
감사합니다. 기뻐요.
Wagatsuma san ありがとうございます♪
Congratulations. I admire your wonderful works.
Thank you for the kind comment, dear HAN!
Thank you for the kind comment, dear HAN!
JUNKO san 何より嬉しいコメントありがとうございます♪
Dear Hal The five years I spent studying with you, a great artist, are a treasure for me. I have learned so much from you. I look forward to seeing more of your wonderful work at 1X. Congratulations and best wishes for the future. From Ryo
Thank you so much for the excessive compliments! Let's continue to enjoy our photography lives together, dear Ryo!
Each piece is truly remarkable. In particular, you can clearly sense the "story," which is the most important element in street art, in every work. It’s simply awe-inspiring.
I’m really happy that you praised my street photography. Thank you so much, 大山san!
Interessant Interview of a Great Artist! Amazing photos!
Thank you for your kind comment. It really encourages me, dear Neumann!
Translation: Congratulations! I looked at them again and they are all amazing.
Tominaga san,コメント頂き光栄です。ありがとうございます♪このサイトは私にとって「憧れ」でしたのでとても嬉しいです。