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Historical Sites, Buildings and Monuments

by Editor Miro Susta 
Edited and published by Yvette Depaepe, the 27th of September 2024

Not only Europe, but also Asia, the Americas and Africa offer wonderful historical Sites, Buildings and Monuments. There are many beautiful and charming historical places in the world that can take visitors' breath away. Some of them have been standing for thousands of years, others have remained hidden from the world until today.


'The Holy Rocks' by Konstantinos Lagos


In this article, I have selected some great photos from the 1x photo gallery to illustrate this theme, as well as some useful tips and ideas on photography techniques and choosing the right subject.

Some places are naturally breathtaking due to their location or construction, such as Machu Picchu in Peru, while others need an inventive photographer who is willing to take extra time to capture them properly.


'Machu Picchu' by Adhemar Duro

For example, the colours of natural stones are best brought out in flat light early in the morning or late in the afternoon.


'The Pyramids of Giza' by Jennifer Chen

It is essential to identify the best possible vantage point from which the historic site can be seen and photographed preferably from a higher altitude.


'Early Spring in Mutianyu' by C.S. Tjandra


In such photos, the old structures or their remains should be captured in order to draw the viewer's attention to the most important points of the location. The mood of the chosen historical site or structure can be enhanced when there are no people around. Visiting a site in the early morning or late afternoon before sunset could be a reasonable solution.


Kilchurn' by Bartolome Lopez


But that is not always the rule, some pictures need people who add life and scale to the chosen scene. It is up to the photographer to decide what is most attractive and more appropriate to the chosen situation.


'Sadhus enjoying the Maha Shivatri Festival' by Yvette Depaepe


Natural framing can significantly optimise the design and overall appearance of a photo. The point of view, the framing and the centre of interest are of vital importance.


'San Marco' by Antoni Figueras


The time of day and therefore the availability of good light are crucial for the best photos of buildings and structures taken from the ground, as in this case the camera is pointing upwards/against the sky. Too much light in the sky, where the camera takes its measurements, can significantly affect the photo quality. It is therefore advisable to visit such historic building and structures when the sun is on strike.


'Within A Place of a Stone Circle' by David Scarbrough


Dramatic and wonderful images of historical sites can also be taken at night when the site and all objects are bathed in artificial light.


'Roma 1.' by Juan Pablo de Miguel


A very favoured method to improve the quality and visual appeal of the photographed object(s) is to capture its/their reflection in quiet water.


'Castel S. Angelo at twilight' by Mattia Bertaina


There is always a lot of noise and colours around Hindu and Buddhist temples, and it is usually a bustling place where worshippers, priests and pilgrims mix together. Low light and smoke are just some of the obstacles that need to be overcome when taking photos. In particular, the burning of offerings, oil lamps and incense produces smoke that can obscure the view.


'Colourful Life' by Shaibal Nandi


The flash-light is no significant help in such smoke-filled conditions; longer exposure times and the use of a tripod would be useful. These are some of the most difficult conditions for a photo that a photographer can find at a historical site, but the result can be unforgettable under a given circumstance.

Monasteries of all faiths are very often situated in remote but stunning mountain regions, making them a valuable object for photographers.


'Monastery on Rocks - Meteora Greece' by Cindy Liu


For example, Greek Meteora, with its towering cliffs and unique rock formations, offers an excellent opportunity for dramatic and creative compositions, a landscape that seems to be painted by the gods.


'Meteora' by Veselin Atanasov


When photographing historical sites, structures and buildings, it is also worth looking around to find out if there is anything special that can be included in the photo. This adds depth to the scene and makes it more interesting and livelier than a simple shot of the object. Trees, plants and even people work well for this, but other objects can also make an impact.


Istanbul' by Albena Markova


In the next article, some selected historical sites, buildings, and other structures will be presented in word and pictures.
[email protected]


Such wonderful collections, thank you dear Miro and Yvette for your great work!
Thank you very much for your nice words of encouragement dear Molly.
Excellent article with the matching works which are beautiful and historic! Thanks a lot for sharing this!
We are glad to hear that you like it dear Wanghan, thanks for your nice words of praise.
Thanks ,dear Miro and Yvette for this great selection .
You are most welcome dear Saskia, we are glad to see that you like it.
Great photos - lots of variety and interesting. Even though I have been to all of the above places the technique of how to photograph the Holi festival was most helpful. Thanks Yvette.
Credits go to Miro, author of this article ;-) Thanks for your appreciation, Iris!
Beautiful images, Thanks for sharing!
You're most welcome Basil, thanks for your nice comment.
Sorry Vasil for my typing error.
Nice and ispiring images. Thanks for sharing....
Many thanks Cristiano
Beautiful images. Great selection
Thank you very much Jois
Thank you Miro and Yvette for this inspiring article. It is a fine collection of wonderful images of historical monuments and buildings. My compliments to the photographers of the images included.
Thanks for your appreciation, dear Caroline!
You are most welcome dear Caroline, many thanks for your words of praise.
A beautiful gallery of historical wonders from around the world. An excellent article by Miro and a great selection of images. Congratulations to all photographers whose works have been featured in the article. Thank you Miro and Yvette 🌷
Thanks for our appreciation, dear Rana!
Great thank you for your very nice words of appreciation dear Rana, I am really happy to see that you like it.
A wonderful and inspiring article. And of course, my thanks for choosing one of my works to illustrate it.
Great thanks for your nice words of appreciation dear Bartolome
Wonderful article and selection of images!
Many thanks dear Wicher
Thank you so much for this wonderful article with very mysterious, beautiful and great photos! I'm very inspired!
I'm happy to see that you like it dear Eiji, thanks for your appreciation
Excellent article from the Magazine. It is an honor to have one of my photographs selected in this sensational collection of images. Thank you very much Miro and Yvette.
Thanks for your appreciation, Antoni!
Many thanks for your nice words of appreciation dear Anthony
Stunning images showing the best of 1X !!!!!!
Much appreciated, Colin!
It is so nice to be able to enjoy the world wonders at home! I have enjoyed reading this informative and educational magazine! Thank you very much Miro and Yvette!
Our pleasure, Yanyan Gong!
We are happy to see that you like it dear Yanyan
Love this artickle and the choosen photo's. Very interesting also. Thanks a lot Miro, for charing this end thanks to Yvette for publishing.
Thank you, Greetje
Many thanks for your appreciation dear Greetje
Top article, Miro! Thanks for choosing one of my images. I'm looking forward to see the next article ;-) Cheers, Yvette
Many thanks for your nice words of appreciation dear Yvette
It is fantastically written, very informative and has excellent pictures
Many thanks Franz, glad to see that you like it