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Wael Onsy - Capturing form, structure and spatial relationships

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 9th of September 2024


Wael Onsy's photographic vision revolves around capturing the essence of structure and space, showing buildings as an architect, or how he would like to see them, distilling the complexity of architecture into simple, powerful compositions. He creates images that not only document but also inspire, showing the interplay of light, form and shadow. Each photograph is a visual story that reflects both his creative vision and the inherent beauty of the subject, attempting to convey the spirit of design in his own style.




Dear Wael Onsy, first I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire! To begin, please introduce yourself shortly and tell us more about you, your hobbies or other projects you are involved in!

It is a great honour and I am delighted to have this opportunity to talk about my work. I was born in Port Said, Egypt and completed my education in Cairo. I have been living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Working as an architect by profession, my innate passion for architecture and fine art photography and travelling.


'The EYE 3'



'Through the Curves'





When and how did you start your photographic journey?

I used to travel extensively to explore different types of architecture. I love documenting the special places I visit by taking pictures with my phone. In 2012, a friend advised me to buy a camera and since then, it clicked.
I discovered my passion for photography. It started as a hobby and quickly escalated.
Photography isn't just about capturing a moment; it's about exploring infinite possibilities and pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. My process involves experimentation and innovation as I seek to capture the essence of a structure in a way that resonates with the viewer on a deeper emotional level.
My photographs have received international acclaim, with my images featured in prestigious publications such as National Geographic, and my work exhibited in galleries and exhibitions around the world, including Italy, China, Dubai, Turkey and the USA.
I have also been awarded in many prestigious international competitions such as the International Photography Awards "IPA", Siena International Photo Awards "SIPA", Urban Photo Awards Trieste, Monochrome Photography Awards and many more.
I've also had the honour of serving as a judge in various photography competitions in countries such as Greece, Russia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia and others.






For many of us photography is either a hobby or a way of life. How would you define your relationship with photography?

The relationship between my profession as an architect and my passion for architectural photography and fine art is deeply intertwined.
As an architect, I have an innate understanding of form, structure and spatial relationships, which gives me a unique perspective when photographing buildings and environments. I don't just see the surface of a structure, I understand its design principles, its functionality and the vision behind it.
In your photographs, this knowledge allows me to capture architecture in a way that highlights its essence. I can show the intricate details, the play of light and shadow, and the harmony between the structure and its surroundings in a way that others might not notice. In essence, my architectural background informs my photographic work and vice versa. In fine art, this duality deepens my ability to communicate stories and emotions through structural forms, combining technical precision with artistic expression. Both practices feed into each other, creating a seamless connection between my professional expertise and my creative pursuits.


'The Station'



'The Eye 2'


What would be the most important experience so far that has influenced your steps in photography?

My journey into photography started quite simply, like many others, with capturing everyday moments,whether architectural or not. Over time, I began sharing my photos on local platforms, and eventually, I ventured into global photography websites. A major turning point came when I started submitting my work to 1X. It was a bit of a shock for me to see the incredibly high level of photography on that platform. I was in awe, constantly wondering if I could ever reach that level, or be on par with those photographers.
At first, most of my photos were rejected, which made me realize that I needed to push myself further and improve. That’s when I began focusing on serious development. I started taking courses, both through YouTube and private lessons with well-known photographers.
Then my experience sparked a deep love for black-and-white and fine art photography in me. From that point on, I continued studying and refining my skills, gradually reaching the level I’m at today.






You have your own style. Why are you so drawn by architecture photography?

Architectural photography allows me to explore the relationship between space, form and light. I'm fascinated by how man-made structures interact with their environment. The lines, symmetry and shapes found in architecture often tell a story, and my goal is to capture that narrative through my lens. It's a blend of technicality and creativity that I find deeply satisfying.


'Mystery of Venice'


What is more important to you, the mood,/story behind your images or the technical perfection?

While technical perfection is so important in creating a polished image, especially in my fine art style, I believe that the mood and story behind the photograph are what really makes it stand out. I strive to create images that evoke emotion and offer a deeper perspective.


'Paris 7'


What is your relationship to your subject matter in general, beyond being an observer?

I see myself as more than an observer; I try to immerse myself in the environment and understand the essence of the space. This helps me to connect with the subject on a deeper level, which often leads to more meaningful and authentic images, rather than just documenting it.


'Eye 7'


Do you prepare carefully the places you want to photograph?

Yes, preparation is key for me. I research the location, scout the area and understand how the light moves throughout the day. This preparation ensures I'm ready to get the perfect shot when the conditions are right. Planning also helps me to anticipate potential challenges, which allows for more creative flexibility during the shoot, but I also love to immerse myself in the environment, waiting for surprises.




Describe your overall photographic vision.

My photographic vision revolves around capturing the essence of structure and space, showing how I see the world and buildings as an architect, or how I would like to see them, distilling the complexity of architecture into simple, powerful compositions. I aim to create images that not only document but also inspire, showing the interplay of light, form and shadow. Each photograph is a visual story that reflects both my creative vision and the inherent beauty of the subject, attempting to convey the spirit of design in my own style.


'Grand Mosque'


Could you please tell us a bit more about your workflow from idea to final product? Where do you look for inspiration and what inspires you most?

I start by studying the place I want to photograph, for example walking around the building to find the perfect angles. Then I photograph it from the traditional angles that everyone takes, and then I move on to trying new perspectives, different levels, different lenses, etc. You should always use a stable tripod, and also filters such as ND filters and polarisers, especially in a crowded area. Before shooting, I also look at similar photos taken in the same locations by fellow photographers on popular websites such as 1x. However, I plan my visit to the location before I go as it may require specific timing, weather conditions and transport. It is very important to choose the right time for the best lighting (chasing the blue and golden hours). You should also concentrate on the main subject of the photo, or as they say, the "hero" of the photo, and avoid any distractions. Also, study your camera settings to be in full control and try to get your shot perfect to minimise the use of editing software. Finally, always make sure that the alignments of the building are perfectly vertical, you can use (tilt shift lens) if possible. Then I start my balanced editing in PS, which is the fun part, choosing the style and mood I want to achieve. The goal is to create a final product that resonates with both technical precision and artistic emotion that tells a story. 
I find inspiration everywhere, from urban environments, books, other photographers' art, visiting museums and galleries, and watching films. But architecture itself is my greatest source of inspiration. The way different cultures express themselves through their buildings, from modern skyscrapers to ancient temples, provides endless creative fuel. I'm always inspired by the way light interacts with these structures, changing them throughout the day.


'The Scroll Sculpture'


Many people think that the equipment is not very important when the passion for photography is strong. But can you please tell us what equipment you use (camera, lenses, lighting, tripod, etc.)?

I believe that a good quality equipment with support you to reach the quality you are looking for, but not important as knowing your equipment very well and having the technique and vision, for architecture photography for example tripods very important to be sturdy, using the ND filters also helps to get your results.
My gear includes :
Nikon Z8 , Z6
Nikoor 14-24, 70-200, 24-70, Nikon PC-E NIKKOR 24mm f/3.5D ED Tilt-Shift Lens
ND filters rectangular with holder 100mm


What is your favourite photo? Please tell us the story behind it.

I have a lot of my favourite photos and it's not easy to choose one, but I'm going to choose two because they have a special place in my heart.
The first one is (Zaha Art) which I took for Heydar Aliyev Centre in Baku, Azerbaijan, designed by the great architect Zaha Hadid and known for its distinctive architecture, so I took all the perspectives I liked, then I decided to go to the back elevation which is not familiar to many photographers, then I worked hard on editing and perfecting it until I got paid by winning many international awards in USA, Italy and United Arab Emirates.
The other one is ( The Sand Gazelle ). What's funny is that it's not part of my architectural collections but it was in the star of being known and was selected and published in National Photography and also one of the first awarded on 1X and reached to the final stage in Xposure competition.


'Zaha Art'


'The Sand Gazelle'


Who are your favourite photographers or mentors whose works have influenced you and your photography?

I follow most of the famous architectural and fine art photographers on 1X and get inspired by them, but my favourite two who have changed my vision and style are Joel Tjintjelaar and Julia Anna Gospodarou, they are masters of black and white art and controlling the light. And I was lucky enough to meet Julia in Paris for a two-day workshop and was so inspired.


'Generali Tower'


Now that we have almost reached the end of this interview, I would like to ask you to tell us about any plans or photographic projects you would like to be involved in.

I am currently working on a project to have my own gallery at the Xposure exhibition and I am also planning some photographic trips to new countries.


'Heydar Aliyev Centre'


Is there anything else you would like to add and what do you think of 1X as a home base for your work? is more than just a photography platform or my home base, it's a community of passionate, creative artists. The curation process ensures that only the best and most striking images are featured, making every visit an inspiring experience. It challenges me to continually hone my craft while providing a space to share my work with a discerning audience. The platform's blend of artistry and professionalism is second to none. Thanks to all the team, it's the best place to be online. Is there anything else you wish to add and what do you think about 1X as a home base for your work ?


'Paris 2'


Dear Wael, I am a big fan of your outstanding work! Every piece of your work is to perfection, like a textbook! Congratulations!
Thank you so much for your kind words and support. I'm truly humbled that my work resonates with you in such a meaningful way. best regards my friend.
Dear Wael, I just wanted to take a moment to express how much your work has inspired me. I first came across your incredible photography on 1X, and I was immediately captivated. From that moment, I started following you on other platforms to keep up with your amazing creations. I’ve been so keen to learn from you that I joined Adasa club for the first time just to attend your workshop. I hadn’t mentioned this before, but I wanted to let you know now just how much your work is inspiring to many people, myself included, and you’ve truly become a role model for many of us. Congratulations on all of your success, and here’s to many more achievements to come, insha'Allah!
Thank you so much dear Asmaa for your kind words. I’m truly honored and humbled to know that my work has inspired you. It’s moments like these that remind me why I do what I do, and it’s a privilege to be able to share my passion with others. I’m so glad you found value in the workshop at Adasa and that you’ve been following my journey. Your support means a lot to me, and I hope to continue creating work that resonates with you and many others. Wishing you all the best on your own creative journey, and insha’Allah, there are many more successes ahead for both of us!
Great photographs ❤️❤️ for a great Photographer ❤️❤️
Thanks a lot Dear Marco, appreciate it
Dear Wael this is a real magical photography , very interesting perspective and remarkable pictures! my warm regards and so nice to read about u in the article... congratssssss :)
Thank you so much Hanaa for your lovely comment. It means a lot to me, appreciate it your continued support, warm regards
Congratulations to Mr. Wael on this photography journey, This well-deserved spotlight highlights your talent and your dedication to the craft. A beautiful article showcasing truly stunning work ..
Thanks a lot Yousif for your comments, really appreciate it, warm regards
Such a great're a source of inspiration for me.I wish you all the Best dear Wael
Glad to hear that from you my dear friend, really appreciate your comment and support, warm regards
You do a brilliant job with all your images, they denote perfectionism and passion for what you are doing, my most sincere congratulations Wael. Another great article dear Yvette, bravo!!!
Thank you dear Mabel! Wael deserves to be featured!
Thank you Dear Mabel for your lovely comments, really appreciate it, warm regards
Hi Wael. The first time I saw your photos was on Instagram. Later I saw that your photos were on 1X too. I follow your beautiful inspiring photos since that time and they are all very fascinating with a great point of view and with a caring afteredit. You keep surprising me again and again! Great to know you a little better know by reading this interview!
Thanks a lot Dear Anita for your lovely comments and contenied support, glad to hear that you like my photos, really appreciate it, warm regards
Congratulations! Your work is so amazing. I am glad that I found you on 1X.
Thanks a lot Dear Nicole, warm regards
Hi Wael I got to know you via Instagram, or better said: your photos. Beautiful inspiring photos! Later I saw that you also posted your photos on 1x. I follow them with pleasure and they are all beautiful: photos with a good composition presented in a beautiful edit. I hope to enjoy your photos for a long time!
Congratulations Wael. Follow your work is an inspiring pleasure.
Thanks a lot Antonio, appreciate your continued support, regards
The first photo I saw of yours was of the Ibn Toulon mosque in Cairo which I had visited many years previously and so it brought back precious memories for me. Since then I have been following your masterful images of modern architecture that are a great inspiration for me. It's wonderful to read more about you. Congratulations, and thanks to Yvette for publishing this excellent article!
Thank you so much Elizabeth for your lovely comment. It means a lot to me that my photograph of the Ibn Toulon mosque could evoke such cherished memories for you. I'm honored that you’ve followed my work and find inspiration in my images. Your words motivate me to keep sharing my passion for both historic and modern architecture. I'm truly grateful for your continued support! Really really appreciate it, Regards
Thanks for your appreciation, Elizabeth. A well deserved feature for Wael !!!
Splendid job. Congratulations
Thanks a lot Jois, Regards
Wael's work is overwhelming, not only in its technical quality, but also in its point of view and imagination. It is a great learning experience. Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot my dear friend for your kind words, really appreciate it
What fascinating images you create Wael! Each and every one is a masterpiece. Thank you for sharing. You are a great inspiration to me. Thanks to Yvette for publishing.
Thank you so much Greetje for your kind words! I'm truly humbled and honored that my work resonates with you. It’s incredibly rewarding to know that it can serve as inspiration. Your support encourages me to keep pushing the boundaries of my passion.
Thanks Greetje ... You know how satisfying it is for me to present excellent photographers to the readers ;-)
Each image is a work of art ...I have always admired your work, my compliments and best wishes always Wael... Thanks for sharing the interview Yvette
Thanks a lot Rana, really appreciate it my dear, best regards 🙏🙏🌹
Many thanks for your appreciation, Rana. Wael deserves to be in the spotlights.
An impressive and luxurious job. Congratulations
Thanks a lot, Regards
....splendid works and interesting text. Thanks for sharing...
Thank a lot Cristiano, really appreciate
Excellent exposition of the particular vision of the architectural image as a way of fusing emotion and aesthetics. It is particularly interesting how the communion between structural technique and beauty is described coming from an architect and photographer. Many thanks to Wael for the beautiful images and an excellent story, and to Yvette for bringing us closer to your emotional universe.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment my dear friend , I aim to convey not only the structural essence of a space but also the emotions and beauty that lie within its design. It’s wonderful to hear that this fusion of emotion, technique, and aesthetics resonated with you. Your words inspire me to continue exploring this dynamic in my work.
Thank you, my friend. Wael's work deserves to be in the spotlight.
you do it perfectly .. your work takes breathes and souls.. Accept my regards.
Here's a thoughtful and appreciative response you can use: "Thank you so much for your kind words and support. I'm truly humbled that my work resonates with you in such a meaningful way. best regards my friend.
Amazing work and very interesting perspective, many congratulations 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thanks a lot my friend for your kind words , warm regards
Thank you very much Wael, for telling your photography story and showing us your excellent work! Thank you also Yvette for this great interview! Kind regards, Gabrielle
Here's a thoughtful and appreciative response you can use: "Thank you so much for your kind words and support. I'm truly humbled that my work resonates with you in such a meaningful way. Your encouragement inspires me to keep pushing the boundaries of my creativity. My sincere regards to you as well."
My pleasure to present Wael Onsy to the readers!