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Featured Exhibition: Imagination and Reality

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 2nd of September 2024


This months' featured exhibition is titled 'Imagination and Reality'  by Holger Goehler 


Holger's work is bursting with creativity.
He quotes : 
Let us embark on a journey into a world beyond reality, interwinning experiences and observations from different places and times. Using light and shadows an the technique of multiple exposures and montages, surreal visual stories has been created.


I invite you to explore Holger's captivating world.
This exhibition which will be exposed on our opening page  / 
Gallery during the whole month of September 2024. 
Click here to see the entire exhibition: 
[14] Holger Goehler (  

To trigger your curiousity, here is a small compilation of images out of this fine exhibition.


'The Avalanche'
'The old tunnel'
'sea level'

