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Results Contest : 'Water'

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 28th of August 2024


'Water' : Oceans, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, water drops, rain... Plenty of water to shoot! Be creative with shutter speeds, or think little and embrace macro. Photographing water can be extremely fun and can allow you to take your images to a next level of creativity. Remember to think outside the box, look at small details but don't forget the bigger picture. Teh submissions were varied, some rather classical, some original, some action shots and some out of the box.

The winners with the most votes are: 
1st place : Claudio Moretti  

2nd place : Alessandro Traverso  
3rd place : Antonyus Bunjamin (Abe) 

Congratulations to the winners and honourable mentions and thanks to all the participants in the contest 'Water' 


The currently running theme is 'Orange'
Colours operate at a deep inner level — the level of emotions. They make us feel in a certain way, and we often take them for granted. Orange is a symbol of luck. It also means warmth and the viewer will feel it. Orange gives energy and richness to our images in nearly all photographic categories.

This contest will end on Sunday the 8th of September at midnight.
The sooner you upload your submission the more chance you have to gather the most votes.
If you haven't uploaded your photo yet, click here

Good luck to all the participants.


1st place by Claudio Moretti
2nd place by Alessandro Traverso
3rd place by Antonyus Bunjamin (Abe)
by Luciano Caturegli
by Kieran O Mahony
by Yousef Sayadi
by Irene Wu
by Yevhen Kostiuk
by brigitte van Krimpen
by Leif Løndal
You can see the names of the TOP 50 here.  

The contests are open to everybody except to crew members.

Submitting images already published / awarded on 1x is allowed.

Great photos. Congratulations my friends.
Wonderful photographs, congratulations to all winners and other mentioned.
Congrats to all the winners!
Splendid images, congratulations to all and thank you for sharing!