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Rana Jabeen - Photographing the essence of varied subjects

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 26th of August 2024

Rana Jabeen's work is excellent and varied. She loves travel photography, cityscapes and architecture photography. Her charming personality and philosophy are perfectly well expressed in Gustave Flaubert's quote:
“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” Time to learn more about the artist behind the photographs through this interview.  Enjoy !!!




Dear Rana, first of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire! First of all, please introduce yourself and tell us more about yourself, your hobbies or other projects you are involved in!

Thank you very much for the invitation, it is an honour and I am happy to have this opportunity to talk about my work. I was born in India and grew up and completed my education in Mumbai, India. I currently reside in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A dentist by profession, I have taken a break from my dental practice for personal reasons. Managing my home, family and travelling keep me busy most of the time. I enjoy reading fiction, listening to music and gardening. Frequent travel and planning has taken up most of my free time in recent years.
I discovered my love of photography about a decade ago. It has been a short but very fulfilling and successful journey in photography so far. My work has been published in many international editorial magazines and websites including Masterclass, Eye Photography, Smart Photography (India), Digital Darkroom (India), Weekend Trivia Official (India), Chiiz Magazine, Viewfinder (Official Magazine of Federation of Indian Photography). I have received EFIP, EFIAP, EPSA and many honorary awards and have exhibited my work in various exhibitions. Since last year, I have also been invited several times to judge photography competitions (under the patronage of Photographic Society of America and a few under Federation of Indian Photography).




'City Lights'


When and how did you start your photographic journey?
My photography journey began in 2014. I have always been an avid traveler, even before I first picked a camera, travel was always my passion. Each place has its own history, culture, architecture and charm which can be explored. During the course of my travel, I found that Urban cityscapes and architecture fascinated me deeply. Back in 2014, we had a Nikon D80 at home but was never used. One of my photographer friends casually suggested to me to start using the DSLR to take travel photos. With a little help, I realized that I could quickly pick up the technicalities of photography and was interested in learning the art and light of photography. From the time I shot my first few pics I was totally drawn into the world of photography. Almost immediately, I bought a Nikon D7100, then there was no looking back!

'Just around the corner'


For many of us, photography is either a hobby or a way of life. How would you define your relationship with photography?
When I first started photographing in 2014, it was a way to record and celebrate all the beautiful places I visited and the moments I spent with loved ones. But in 2019, my world changed when I lost my teenage son. Through all the pain and grief, I rediscovered photography as a personal healing tool. The simple act of taking pictures and going through the process of editing has kept my mind focused and balanced through the turbulent times of grief. For me personally, photography has been an outlet for expression, a distraction during dark times, and part of my healing process.




What would you say is the most important experience that has influenced your steps in photography?
I would say there has been a combination of different experiences that have shaped my journey in photography. In the beginning, travelling provided the exposure to different environments and cultures that made me want to capture those moments. Later, it developed into a keen interest that turned into a healing mechanism after my personal loss.




You have your own style, but your work is very diverse. I see mainly architectural photography, but also cityscapes and street photography. Can you explain why?
My favourite genre of photography is cityscapes and architecture. I have an affinity with architectural images. Patterns, lines, shapes, geometry and textures have always fascinated me. Ceilings and 'look-ups' are also a fascinating world that I have a particular fondness for. In recent years I have started to explore street photography and street portraits, capturing emotions and moments is something I find soul satisfying.

'Light Web'



'Face in the crowd'





What is more important to you, the mood/story behind your images or technical perfection?
We all know that a balance of different factors, including technique, mood and story, is important to achieving a good image. I have always been more inclined towards the mood and the moment, as I believe that mood can transform a simple scene into something memorable. Having said that, I think that a solid knowledge of the technical aspects is always the starting point from which we go on the journey of exploring stories and moments.
Technique aside, photography has been a great teacher to me. Some relevant lessons I have learnt are patience and planning well in advance, but being prepared to improvise when things change. Most importantly, I have learnt to slow down, breathe in the moment and enjoy art in any form.


'Along the curve'


In general, what is your relationship to your subjects, beyond that of an observer? Do you carefully prepare the places you want to photograph?
As a photographer, I try my best to observe, interpret and show the subject. While preserving the essence of the subject, I try to present it with my vision. I believe that the first step to a good picture starts with research. In urban photography, location is crucial. I always do thorough research before travelling to a particular location. Apart from finding the popular photo spots, I also try to get to the lesser known ones, because discovering hidden gems while travelling is indeed a wonderful experience. The time of the shoot is also an important factor that I keep in mind.




Describe your general photographic vision.
My photographic vision mainly involves freezing scenes and moments as I see them and presenting them in my own style. Sometimes it would be as I see it and other times it might be as I would like to see it. For example, I might visit a location I love at a 'not so ideal' time for shooting in terms of light, weather and crowds. Then I choose to edit the scene to present it in the way I visualise it. I like to showcase the essence of the place through the architecture and cityscapes that I shoot most of the time. This includes unique architectural designs, structural elements, shapes and details. I love capturing skylines because each one is unique to its location. Another reason why cityscapes are special to me is that I like the way I can explore the changing moods of each one, from serene to bustling with dynamic energy. When shooting street scenes and portraits, I take my time to look for special moments and stories. I like to observe and capture scenes and people in a way that tries to tell a story or evoke an emotion.




'Eyes on you'


Could you please tell us a bit more about your workflow from idea to final product? Where do you look for inspiration and what inspires you the most?
In my opinion, the photographic workflow should include researching the place and the location, getting to a place well in advance, good observation, capturing the classic view of the place, but always for your own fresh perspective. This is followed by balanced processing. For me it's a combination of LR & PS. Post-processing is an integral part of the final image. An artist is free to express and present an image in the style he/she likes and this is very important in any art form. It is a matter of personal taste. In my work I use multiple image panoramas and also digital blending.
I find inspiration everywhere, sometimes in the books I read, the music I listen to, and sometimes by looking at other photographers' work. Often everyday moments and personal experiences form the basis of new ideas.





'Appear as you are, be as you appear'


Many people think that the equipment is not very important when the passion for photography is strong. But can you please tell us what equipment you use (camera, lenses, lighting, tripod, etc.)?
Although many have this opinion about gear, I believe that you need to have decent, if not the latest, equipment. We need the support of our gear to translate our vision and ideas into a good quality end result. Also, as basic as it sounds, the most important thing you need to capture good images is a strong knowledge of technique, so I read a lot to keep up to date and learn all aspects of light and technique. Knowing my equipment well helps me to optimise its use.

My gear includes:
Nikon D750
Nikkor 14-24 (Most used lens) Nikkor 70-200
Nikkor 200-500
Sigma 24-70
Lee SW150 filter system
2 Manfrotto tripod includes one lightweight version for travel






What is your favourite photo? Please tell us the story behind it.
With so many favourites it is really hard to choose just one. So I would choose two of my favourites because both of them were taken in the very early stages of my photographic journey and these photos made me the photographer that I am today.
One of my all-time favourite photos is 'Lotus' or 'Convergence', taken at the Lotus Temple in India. I was extremely interested in photographing this architectural marvel. Considering that I was relatively new to photography at that time (my first 1-2 years), this is an extremely crowded place, the weather was bad and we were given a short time frame to capture this. I was able to capture the beautiful geometry and art in a creative way. I loved the result I achieved and it remains one of my favourite photos to this day.
Another photo is 'The View'. It was dusk by the time we finished the long queue and the process of going up the Burj. I quickly collected my thoughts and decided to use fish eye to capture this frame. This was the first image that became popular on various websites and media, and was one of the first photos to be awarded on 1x.




'The View'

Who are your favorite photographers or mentors whose works have influenced you and your photography?
I have followed the work of the most experienced and successful urban and architectural photographers. I love the work of so many of the artists featured here on 1x and each one is an inspiration to me.




Now that we have almost reached the end of this interview, I would like to ask you to tell us about any plans or photographic projects you would like to be involved in.
There are a few things I am working on right now. I am looking forward to the 1X Artist Exhibition in 2025, for which I have received an invitation, and I am working on the series of images that will be presented. It's been a while since I've done any street and portrait photography, so I'm planning on doing that in the next few months.


'Captivating Eyes'



Is there anything else you would like to add and what do you think of 1X as a home base for your work?
In a way, 1X has been an integral part of my photography. It has certainly been a learning and growing process. From an awestruck newbie just looking at the artwork here to confidently sharing my images ... it has been a beautiful journey here.


'Shades of darkness'


Dina bilder föder en längtan, längtan att fotografera.
Thank you so much honour to read your words
Thank you so much for sharing us your in depth story behind your 1x journey. There are indeed many things we could learn from you. Appreciate it!
I am happy to read your wonderful comment..Thank you very much Kimio
I’ve been a long-time admirer of your fascinating work. Your beautiful creations never fail to catch the eye and truly embody the essence of photography. Thank you for the insightful and engaging interview. Best wishes!
Thank you for the words of appreciation Vivek Kalla
Dear Rana! Thank you for sharing your story, very beautiful works!
Thank you so much dear Eleonora..really appreciate it
Congratulations Rana beautiful interview.
Thank you Massimo..much appreciated
I enjoy your beautiful work dear Rana. All photos are beautiful. Congratulations!
Dear Wilma, thank you so much for your lovely words..really appreciate it :)
Each piece is beautiful, powerful, and tells a great story. I also appreciate and respect the fact that you have published so many of these works. Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for your encouraging and wonderful words ..I really appreciate it.
hello Rana,i have been following you for quite some time on 1x but it is nice to get to know you a bit better here. i thought it was a nice story between all those beautiful photos. congratulations. also thanks to Yvette for offering the opportunity to be in the spotlight
Hello Jean, thank you very much for your comment , really appreciate it
Excellent and varied photographs. Good interview by Yvette. Congratulations dear Rana.
Dear Pedro , thank you for your wonderful comment, really appreciate it
Beautiful pictures!
Thank you so much Rae
Wonderful interview, congrats dear Rana, you deserve it, always love your art pieces!!! Thanks Yvette for your hard work!
Dear Molly, I am thankful for your encouraging and beautiful words..really appreciate it :)
I am so glad we got to know your work and your approach to photography. Your beautiful work always catches the eye and is the very heart of photography. Thank you Yvette for presenting your work in such a fantastic way. Congratulations again on your beautiful work and I look forward to seeing more. Warmest regards.
Dear Slawomir, thank you so much for your motivating words always...really appreciate it
I admire your work, dear Rana, love your vision and the way you express it. Congratulations for this well deserved recognition and thank you for sharing your thoughts.Thank you dear Yvette for the publication. <3 <3
Dear Gabriela, I am happy to know that you like my work..thank you very much :)
Rana, I've admired your work for a long time and it is wonderful to get to know you. Congratulations!
Thank you so much dear Jane..really appreciate your words
Dear Rana, already long time I'm admiring your unique pictures not only on 1x but also on Instagram. Fantastic photo work, please accept my sincere appreciation and congratulations. Many thanks for nice and very interesting interview and I will not forget to thank Yvette for editing and publishing it.
Dear Miro..I am happy to read your words of appreciation....thank you so much .warm regards
Beautiful interview, intense life-story. beautiful pictures!
Thank you so much Paolo..much appreciated
I've been looking at the pictures for a while, it must have been an hour, and I also read the interview carefully. It was a good time, I enjoyed it and the deep beauty of the images. Thank you also for the interview. A wonderful contribution.
Dear Marianne,heartfelt thanks for your beautiful motivates me to keep working ..warm regards
Congratulations dear Rana , beautiful work Wishing you all the success
Thank you so much dear Anita
congratulations Rana , you deserve it , you are very talented and your art are amazing , i admire it
Thank you Wael..happy to receive appreciation from great artist like you
Beyond the sincere admiration for Rana's wonderful work, we approach techniques and learn a lot from the fine interview. Congratulations.
Dear Yiannis...many thanks for your kind and wonderful words..regards Rana
you know that I am a fan of you and your fascinating work for a long time. Congratulations for this much interesting interview and the fantastic selection of your images. Of course as usual many thanks to Yvette for her work
I am happy to read your appreciative comment dear means a lot coming from a wonderful artist ..thank you so much
Great work. Great interview. Congratulations!
Thank you Subhajit
I have admired Rana’s work for several years and I am delighted to find out more about her vision and thoughts. Congratulations Rana for this well deserved recognition and thank you to Yvette for the publication.
Thank you, dear Lucie. Well deserved feature for Rana!
Dear Lucie..truly appreciate your comment, I love your work too..Thank you so much
Thank you for bringing us so many wonderful photography work. It’s amazing. Congratulations, dear Rana.
Thank you Sonya, really appreciate it
Very interesting interview. I am very fond of your work Rana and it is good to know about your story, visions and future projects... Congrats for all that, and thank you Ivette for bringing us this article.
Thanks, Manuel! My pleasure...
Dear Manuel, thank you for your wonderful comment. I am happy to know that you like my work..really appreciate it ..warm regards
Great works and story, beautiful and stunning images, well done Rana, congratulations.
Thank you so much Bing Li
A wonderful gallery Rana !!
Thank you so much Arthur
The work of Rana is a marvel, I really like these images which are truly of great beauty. Thank very much Yvette for this splendid interview and congratulations to Rana !!!
Thank you for your appreciation, Thierry !
Thank you very much Thierry, really appreciate it
Congratulations Rana. Your work deserves this and lot more. Go!! 🙌🏻
Many thanks Ricardo, much appreciated
Excellent and amazing works! Congratulations Rana !
Thank you very much Raymond
Fantastic Rana! You have some unique photos. They are excellent presented whit high quality.
Thank you so much Jostein, really appreciate it
Dear Rana, Thanks so much for sharing, you are such an excellent photographer, it is always a pleasure to see your works they are truly inspirational. Thanks also to Yvette for the interview. My warmest regards dearest Rana
My pleasure, Arnon!
Dear Arnon, happy to read your words of appreciation, many thanks
It is a pleasure to accompany the great photos of Rana and to get to know her even better with this article. Thank you very much, Yvette, and congratulations, Rana.
No thanks, Urs. All honours go to Rana!
Thank you for your wonderful words dear Urs
An admirable job, Congratulations Rana
Thank you very much Eduardo
Inpressive pictures and article. Congratulations Rana
Thank you so much Jeke
It's truly inspirational to me. Since she joined the photography club PLAAPA, where I am a member, I have been amazed by her success in various salons and circuits, winning awards such as the Best Entrant and more. I joined 1X to view her photographs, and I still reach out to her whenever needed. I had been eagerly anticipating seeing her interview here one day, and now it has happened. My heartfelt thanks to the editor and congratulations to Dr. Rana for her groundbreaking photography style. I love your work.
Dear Dr is truly motivating to read your wonderful and warm words of praise. The support of all my photography colleagues is part of my journey. Thank you very much ...really appreciate it
Inspiring journey , great images & wonderful article. Great knowing more about you Rana. You're an inspiration
Thank you so much Afzal
E un articolo veramente bellissimo, con fotografie eccezionali, ringraziando con grande sincerità a Rana e Yvette.
Thanks, Izabella!
Grazie mille Izabella
Rana! My heartful compliments for that!!!
Thank you so much Giuseppe
I really like Rana's photos! Respect for her work and her photographic development. My heartfelt congratulations! And many thanks to Yvette!
Truly appreciate your comment Markus....I admire your photography ..thank you so much
superbes shot Rana ... congratulations
Thank you Anna
Excellent photographic work and magnificent article. Congratulations
Thank you so much
Congratulations Rana, well-deserved recognition for your work.
Thanks so much Antoni ..happy to read comment of a photographer whose work I respect a lot
Gallery of great charm and artistic/technical competence. Well done Rana and thanks to Yvette!
My pleasure to present this interview to the readers, Raffaele!
Thank you so much Raffaele ..much appreciated
Your work is amazing!! It is your excellent approach and unique perspectives which make every shot a masterpiece. Great interview really enjoyed reading it!!
Many thanks for your inspiring words.... really appreciate it
Congratulations on your presentation dear Rana. Really interesting and great motifs. Keep up the good work!
Thanks so much Erhard
What a great interview and so good to get to know you a bit Rana. And I recognise that photographing is healing.
Thanks so much for your warm and supportive comment Jolanda....much appreciated
So fascinating to find out more about you as a person and a photographer Rana - we have much in common! I hope one day we will meet up on our travels, photographing beautiful architecture, fascinating street scenes and characterful people!
It's great to hear from you dear Linda, I sincerely hope to meet up some day ! Thank you so much ..really appreciate it
Fantastische Bilder mit fesselnder Tiefe. Tolle Kompositionen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch...
Thank you so much Michael ,much appreciated
Congratulations on this wonderful presentation and inspiration and thanks also to Yvette.
Thank Udo ...
Thank you so much
Congratulations to Rana Jabeen
Thank you so much Mrinal
Who is this Jana Rabeen !!! Dear Editor, please check the name photographer.... should be Rana Jabeen.
I'm so very sorry. My internet felt out the whole day long just after publishing the interview. Corrected now and published on Facebook and X-Twitter.
And published on Facebook and W-Twitter as it should have been done yesterday.
Beautiful photos and amazing collection! Thanks for sharing your personal stories, dear Rana.
Dear Vicki, thank you for your wonderful comment
Amazing works. Congratulations Rana!
Thank you very much Jun Zuo
Amazing photos. Congratulations Rana.
Thanks so much Marek
My most sincere congratulations for your beautiful work that, as you know, I have admired since I joined 1X, unfortunately a family problem has kept me away from the passion we share and I have not been able to follow your latest works, but today I could not pass up the opportunity without also showing you my love. You have been brave, I also had a major loss 11 years ago and photography helped me too. My best wishes dear Rana ✨🌹 Thanks once again dearest Yvette for showing us the talented people behind the camera, without your work we would not get to know them 🫶🏻🙏🏻🤍😊
Thanks, Mabel and so sorry for the wrong spelling. My internet felt out just after publishing the interview. Corrected now and published on Facebook and X-Twitter.
Dear Mabel,...I admire your style of photography a lot .. We do share similar therapeutic effect of photography following personal loss....I would like to thank you for your warm and motivating best wishes to you
Your works are always inspiring and fascinating, Rana. Thank you for sharing with the 1X community, Congratulations on the feature and for an amazing portfolio. Thank you to Yvette as well for this article.
Thank you, dear Atul Saluja.
Thank you so much Atul..pleased to read your wonderful comment
Dear Rana, All of your photos are truly amazing and fascinating, and I am filled with respect for your photographic process, technical knowledge, and great talent. Please continue to impress us with your wonderful work.
Dear Tomoshi Hara, sorry for late reply..i had been traveling.. I am deeply honoured to read your words..Thank you very much..I am motivated to keep working on my photography
Amazing portfolio.. Congratulations dear Rana.
Thank you so much dear Emel
I am a big fan of your amazing work, very inspiring! Congratulations dear Jana!
Rana instead of Jana. My biggest apologies for this error.
Happy to read your comment...thank you Yanyan Gong
Great work Jana: I am a big Fan, keep them coming. Warmest regards, Patrick
So sorry to have spelled Rana's name in the wrong way.
Many thanks dear Patrick, really appreciate it
Hello Jana: It has been a pleasure to glimpse the person behind your wonderful photos; they are luminous and now I understand that they are not just good photographs, but that there is a luminous background that comes from pain. I am very happy to know you a little better, through this interview. A big hug.
Very nice reaction, Asuncion. Unfortunately I spelled RANA's name in the wrong way. So sorry
Dear Asuncion, Thank you for the observation and beautiful words of appreciation..hugs Rana
I've been following Rana on 1x for a long time, and even if he doesn't strictly frequent his photographic genres, I can say that it is one of my favorite photographers on 1x, Interesting text, splendid images and great Rana. !! Thanks for sharing.....
Dear Cristiano, I am pleased to read your excellent comment..thank you so much Warm regards
Amazing portfolios and amazing photography journey. Congratulations dear Rana! You are an inspiration to me.
Love your exceptional photos dear Nichole..thank you so much for your words ..much appreciated
A fascinating and touching bio. What a fortune for us that Rana has found her passion in photography and we can enjoy her art work. Thank you Yvette for this article and I am looking forward to see future photos of Ranas photographical journey.
Thank you for your appreciation, Hans!
Dear Hans, thank you for your motivating comment..I love your style of best wishes to you
Inspiring! Thank you for sharing your story with us
Many thanks dear Marwa
such a wondefrul photography story my dear Rana. Thank you for taking my along your journey
Dear Hilda, lovely to hear from a wonderful artist like you..thank you so much
Thanks to Yvette and sincere congratulations to Rana. Your work is outstanding and a true inspiration. Good luck with your future projects, and I look forward to seeing much more of your excellent photography.
Thanks for your appreciation, Elizabeth. I spelled Rana's name in the wrong way inversing letters. Sorry ...
Being a huge fan of your architecture images, I am truly honoured to read your comment dear Elizabeth..thank you so much
Thanks Rana for sharing, I enjoyed reading your thoughts and the learning process of your photography journey, which in some stages was not easy life endeavor, keep it up!
Thank you so much Anas..much appreciated
Dear Rana, congratulations for all your works, they are truly excellent. Very inspiring photography!
Thank you Thomas, really appreciate it
Dear Rana, thank you so much for letting us know a little more about you and your wonderful work! Every picture of yours is a real jewel and reading about the making of your photography, how you plan it, your techical knowledge and your huge talent, is filling me with such great admiration for you. I also read about your loss and how photography helped you in those dark times...I suffered the same loss with my son and I understand so well the therapeutical role of photography. I also wish to thank you for sending me some nice reviews to some of my pictures! This is a great honor to the humble hobbyist I am from such a great artist you are! Keep up the great work! And thank you Yvette for this great interview!, Gaby
Thanks for your appreciation, Gabrielle. Nice to see the many responses on Rana's interview in spite of me spelling her name in the wrong way.
Dear Gabrielle, thank you for your beautiful and warm words.. ..we do share similar loss and healing from our photography work....It is truly motivating to hear from you best wishes to you always .
Excel·lent Rana. Una mostra del teu mestratge, sensibilitat i emoció. Pura poesia visual.
Muchas gracias
Your pictures, dear Rana, have always been a source of inspiration and encouragement for me. Before every holiday trip I have looked in your portfolio to see if I can find pictures that I can take home with me on my trip, if my itinerary allows it. I admire and appreciate your great photographic talent. I hope that I can continue to be inspired by it for a long time to come. It was nice to learn a little about your photographic career through this interview. Thank you very much, Yvette, for making this interview possible. Yours sincerely, Herbert
Thanks for your appreciation, Herbert and sorry for spelling Rana's name in the wrong way.
Dear Herbert ,Sorry for late reply..I was traveling and just got back home..I am truly honoured to hear great words of appreciation from a photo artist whose work I have been a admiring since years...Really appreciate it
Dear Rana, Your modesty honors you. But I think you are the photo artist here. I see myself more as a relatively well-motivated and committed photo worker. I send you my warmest regards
Congratulations, Rana!!! Love your amazing pictures, always an inspiration to me! Nice to learn your personal story and sharing about photography.
Many thanks for your wonderful comment Jian Xu..really appreciate it
Nice to learn something about the person Rana behind the camera, very interesting, many thanks also Yvette
Thank you Rolf. This interview is a big success in spite of me spelling Rana's name in a wrong way ... Sorry. But she is well known and nearly all comments are for RANA instead of my stupid error.
Thank you very much for your comment Rolf..regards Rana