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Thursday Spotlight #5

By Editor Peter Davidson
Edited and published by Yvette Depaepe, the 15th of August

We are introducing a new feature specifically for those shots that have been overlooked by our many mysterious and secretive curators for an Award

Each Thursday, one shot from the current gallery of Published (but not Awarded) images will be displayed here in the Magazine. We hope you enjoy the images chosen and the authors gain some much improved visibility of their work. And who knows, whisper it softly, maybe one of these shadowy curators might have a softening of their cold dark hearts and even Award the image...


                                                                                                          Lotus of Grace by Ming Jian

This weeks image is a delicate shot of a flower, unusual in its dark sensibility.
The play of light and form is, in my view at least, rather lovely. As is the unusual compositional depiction of the flower itself. In Chinese culture, the Lotus is a very cherished emblem of cultural identity and as such, has been depicted inumerable times in art and photography, but this image manages to be just that little bit different. I like that. 
...i agree. Very nice image...
A very delicate piece of work: super soft light and excellent editing. It reminded me of HANA book by Yasuhiro Ishimoto. Awarded for me.
What a wonderful image, Ming, love it. I love the idea of 1X to choose one image to showcase here which are published but not awarded. Maybe it will be a good idea to consider more than one image as I am sure the list of published but not awarded is quite big. Keep up the great work.
Excellent composition and very pleasant presentation.. congratulations