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On capturing the Essence of Animal Magnetism

by Editor Kimberly (kim709)
Edited and published by Yvette Depaepe, the .16th of August 2024


SO CLOSE TO US by Antje Wenner-Braun


The concept of animal magnetism originated from the German physician Franz Mesmer.
Mesmer imagined the existence of a process whereby energy transferred between animate and inanimate objects; this process he called "animal magnetism", which was later referred to as mesmerism, and hence the origin of the word “mesmerized”.
The concept later evolved into a broader metaphor for an inherent allure or charisma, and the concept of animal magnetism.


In the realm of photography, particularly in wildlife photography, one strives to capture and convey the profound and often inexplicable connection between animals and humans. This concept goes beyond mere technical proficiency, where one seeks to capture an emotional and psychological connection between the two, a skill in which one encapsulates the spirit, character, and allure of animals.

Capturing animal magnetism in imagery is not merely about photographing animals in their natural habitat; it's about creating images that evoke a deep emotional response, drawing viewers into the scene and fostering a connection with the subject.

Photographs that exude animal magnetism often carry a strong emotional resonance. These images capture moments that highlight the personality, emotions, and unique traits of the animal.



'Wild Eyes' by Kimberly

For me, the power is in the eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and this is particularly true in wildlife/animal photography. A close-up shot that focuses on the eyes of an animal can create a profound sense of connection.

Intensity, curiosity, or gentleness reflected in an animal’s eyes convey a myriad of emotions and narratives, drawing the viewer into the image and making them feel as if they are sharing a special moment or connection with the animal.



'Cognition' by Jeffrey C. Sink

Intimate moments can range from the playful antics of young animals to the poignant scenes of survival in the wild. Photographers who master this art often spend hours, days, or even weeks observing their subjects, learning their ways, waiting for the perfect moment that tells a compelling story or captures the essence of the species. Patience, empathy, and a deep understanding of animal behaviour are crucial in capturing these fleeting yet powerful moments.



'Hide and Search' by Huabing Ye

As with all impactful imagery, technical aspects such as composition and lighting play a significant role in conveying the concept animal magnetism in photographs. A well-composed image with the right balance, framing, and perspective can highlight the beauty and majesty of the animal. Similarly, the use of natural light can enhance the mood and atmosphere of the photograph, creating a more immersive and captivating experience for the viewer.




'Predator's gaze' by Michaela Firešová

Photographers who aim to capture the true essence of animal magnetism must also consider the ethical implications of their work. Respect for wildlife and their habitats is paramount. This means avoiding any actions that might distress or harm animals and ensuring that their natural behaviour is not disrupted. Ethical wildlife photography not only contributes to the welfare of the animals but also adds authenticity to the images, allowing viewers to appreciate the true beauty of the natural world.




'A walk in the forest' by Luigi Ruoppolo

Photographs that embody animal magnetism have the power to inspire and influence. They can raise awareness about conservation issues, highlight the importance of protecting endangered species, and foster a greater appreciation for biodiversity. Iconic images of wildlife have historically played a crucial role in environmental campaigns and have inspired countless individuals to take action in preserving the natural world.

Creating impactful images is a blend technical skill, artistic vision, a deep empathy for the natural world combined with patience and understanding.

It’s about capturing the spirit and essence of animals in a way that resonates with viewers, forging a connection that transcends the boundaries of the species. Through powerful imagery, photographers can not only showcase the beauty and diversity of wildlife but also inspire a greater sense of stewardship for our planet’s precious inhabitants.


'Give me a kiss, mommy' by Xuemei Qin



'Now that you wake me up is better for you to start running' by Alberto Ghizzi Panizza


'Black Cat' by Davorin Baloh


'Peeking pup' by Lily Co


'Subtle' by Jaco Marx


'Morning lynx' by Jose Curto


'A mother's defence of her child' by Hamad


'Face-off' by Emanuel Papamanolis



'Hidden Grace' by Nicolas Cao



'Hell Bent' by Jane Lyons


...powerful images and intersting text...
Thank you to all for your kind feedback on this article!
Superb and informative article..excellent selected photos...Congratulations
Helt underbart! Ögonen är personligheten och en själens spegel!
amazing pictures!
Wonderful article from which I learned many new aspects about animals, many thanks for this interesting write up and for selection of beautiful photos Kimberly, and also thanks to Yvette for publishing it.
Top article from Kimberly ;-)
great cinema
Powerful photos and wonderful article!
Wonde4ful images....!!!
Most amazing images!
Amazing photos and wonderful article!
They are fantastic photos that showcase their respective subjects very skilfully, sensitively and sometimes really majestically! Thank you so much for this inspiring post!
I thought that a shoulder was set beside splendid animal photographs right here to continue making an effort. Thank you for a splendid special feature.
Amazing pictures 👌👌👌 well done
E un articolo eccezionale. Compli8menti per le bellissime fotografie ed il testo.
Wow, wow, wow! Great, excellent pics and and text!
A marvel, congrats Kimberly. Thank very much Yvette for this splendid work !!!
Kimberly is such a great editor ;-)
Some amazing images guys! Great concept Kimberly (: