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Thursday Spotlight #4

By Editor Peter Davidson
Edited and published by Yvette Depaepe, the 8th of August

We are introducing a new feature specifically for those shots that have been overlooked by our many mysterious and secretive curators for an Award

Each Thursday, one shot from the current gallery of Published (but not Awarded) images will be displayed here in the Magazine. We hope you enjoy the images chosen and the authors gain some much improved visibility of their work. And who knows, whisper it softly, maybe one of these shadowy curators might have a softening of their cold dark hearts and even Award the image...


                                                                                                        Eiffel Tower Sunrise by Morag Forbes

This weeks image is from a new member and it's of a small town that happens to be hosting a little sporting event right at this the moment. The town was very unhappy about this tower when it was first built - considering it a terrible blot on the landscape - but they're now very proud of its radio mast which really is quite tall. It's sadly now in some danger from lack of maintenance and years of corrosion to its iron work. Apparently you can, if you're quick enough before it collapses,  see some of the sporting activity going on if you are willing to climb to the top ;-) 
This view is, of course, very recognisable to everyone. However, Morag Forbes has managed to create a rather more original take than is usual from this classic viewpoint. No easy task, and for that reason alone it's worthy of more attention here in the Spotlight. Worthy of a Gold Medal in fact. 
...i agree. Very nice image...
Nice artwork, congrats !
A beautiful VOP of the Iron Lady at Trocadéro. I believe there is no place on earth is as magical as this little town at the moment.
a surprising image that recreates a beautiful space
Very nice art work,congrats
Sorry, but this is a kind of image that I don't like. A completely vertical mirrored work with a few photoshopped changes in the background. Most items in the background are left unchanged so that the vertical mirroring is recognized at first sight.
Original and wonderful presentation of this iconic place. Congratulations for the feature Morag..
Great choice. A very good and new interpretation of the classic view from Trocadéro and Tour Eiffel. Congratulations.
lovely. I was there maybe three times in my life, but the author's point of view and the final touch are great choices. Congrats.
'La Grande Dame' photographed in a special way, just awakening. Congratulations, Morag ... Cross my fingers that it will be noticed ;-) And thanks to Peter for his funny and 'hot from the press' writing. Let's climb all together to the top to watch the olympics and to call the curators ;-)
A superb image, wonderfully composed and processed, and a great sense of space. Definitely worthy of an award. Congratulations on your feature, Morag, and thanks to Peter and Yvette.
I really hope the curators will notice this superb shot, indeed! Thanks for passing by dear Elizabeth!