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Photographing Roma Communities

A Personal Testimony by Head Curator Martin Krystynek MQEP 
Edited and published by Yvette Depaepe, the 2nd of August 2024


As a seasoned professional photographer and the President of the Association of Professional Photographers of the Slovak Republic, Martin Krystynek has dedicated his career to capturing the essence of human experience. His extensive work spans various subjects, but one of his most profound and challenging endeavors has been photographing Roma communities in Slovakia. This project is not just a professional challenge but also a deeply personal mission for Martin.





Martin's journey into the Roma settlements revealed a stark reality: these communities often endure incredibly harsh living conditions.
Segregated on the outskirts of towns and villages, many Roma live without basic amenities like water and sewage systems.
These environments are challenging for both the residents and the photographers who aim to document their lives authentically.

Martin has witnessed firsthand how these conditions impact daily life, creating a narrative of struggle and resilience that he strives to portray through his lens.








One of the most critical issues facing Roma communities is access to education.
Many Roma children are placed in special schools, a practice that significantly limits their future opportunities and contributes to high unemployment rates.
This systemic issue perpetuates poverty and social isolation.

Martin's photographs of these aspects are more than just images; they are a call to action, highlighting the urgent need for change and support.






Health disparities are a significant concern within Roma communities.
Due to inadequate living conditions, there is a higher prevalence of chronic and infectious diseases, along with limited access to healthcare.
These challenges contribute to lower life expectancy and a myriad of other health issues.

Martin approaches this sensitive subject with great respect, aiming to shed light on these health challenges while maintaining the dignity of his subjects.








Martin Krystynek’s work with Roma communities is characterized by a deep sense of empathy and respect. He understands the importance of building trust, as he often encounters initial distrust and rejection.

Through patience and genuine engagement, Martin has been able to capture the rich culture and traditions of the Roma people, showcasing their pride and resilience. His photographs are not merely visual records but a tribute to a vibrant community often misunderstood and marginalized.






For Martin, photographing Roma communities goes beyond capturing moments; it is about storytelling. His work serves as a powerful tool to raise awareness about the realities faced by the Roma.

By bringing these images to a broader audience, Martin hopes to foster understanding and support for initiatives aimed at improving the lives of these communities. His commitment to this cause underscores the role of photography as a medium for social change.



Photographing Roma communities is a significant part of Martin Krystynek's career and personal life. It is a responsibility he carries with great seriousness, knowing that his work can influence perceptions and inspire action. Through his lens, Martin aims to illuminate the often-overlooked aspects of Roma life, showcasing both their struggles and their indomitable spirit.

His journey with the Roma has been a profound learning experience, teaching him about the strength of the human spirit and the importance of empathy and understanding in photography.

By Head Curator Martin Krystynek MQEP
Photographing Roma Communities: A Personal Testimony —



Outstanding documentation with so many very poignant images.
Stunning work Martin and a great documentation of the these peoples life's Bravo!!!!!
Awesome work. Congrats.
Excel·lent treball.
An outstanding work !!! Thank you for sharing with us !
Impressive. Photographs and message.
Excellent documentation of life of Roma communities
Dear Martin, I appreciate your great contribution to this very meaningful and important topic. I myself was born in Bratislava and as a young boy I used to have a childhood friend from the Roma community. Your impressive photos have taken me back to those near-forgotten times. Thank you and Yvette for bringing it back to me. Ďakujem Ti mnohokrát, milý priateľ.
Thank you Miro. Martin took the initiative to share this strong documentary work in the magazine. Cheers, Yvette
Wonderful immages, Impressive reportage ... !
Very beautiful and difficult work. Congratulations...
Great images and article. Thanks for sharing.
Ringrazio questo bellissimo articolo, ricco di fotografie eccezionale. L'articolo è importante, se può aiutare questo popolo, tante volte perseguitati ancora oggi nel ventunesimo secolo. Grazie Martin.