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Markus Auerbach - The ability to 'see', discover and create motifs

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 29th of July 2024


Markus Auerbach is a great self-taught artist.  To describe his photographic vision, he quotes: “Less is more! As a rule, I prefer photos with a clear visual language. That's why my pictures are usually reduced or minimalist, sometimes abstract, and they are characterized by the clearest possible interplay of lines, shapes, colours and surfaces. I also enjoy photographing “light and shadows” as well as black and white - but even then, a clear visual language and composition are very important to me.” He claims that he will never stop cultivating his own photographic style. He loves the 1x community and needs it for his further development. 
Enjoy this interview and discover more about Markus and the artist behind a superb body of work.


curved - revised


To begin Markus, please introduce yourself shortly and tell us more about you, your hobbies or other projects you are involved in!
Hello Yvette, hello to the 1x community, my name is Markus Auerbach, I'm 61 years old and I live in the Stuttgart region in southern Germany. Besides photography, I have a few other hobbies: I actively play soccer and tennis once a week, I like to go hiking (including long-distance hikes, especially in the Mediterranean region) and in summer and autumn I'm always drawn to high peaks and the mountains of the Alps.


El Puente de l'Assut de l'Or #3



El Puente de l'Assut de l'Or #7


For many of us photography is either a hobby or a way of life. How would you define your relationship with photography?

Photography is a wonderful hobby for me. The joy of photography is always the essential to me. I only take photos when I feel like it and have fun. Carefree and without constraints.


blue hour

What would be the most important experience so far that has influenced your steps in photography?

Oh, there are several experiences, they were always leaps in development and motivation. Almost 40 years ago, I took my first steps with my first “real” camera, a Minolta X-700. Trying out the new medium, the feeling of holding a real camera in my hand - those were wonderful hours! Then the first small successes in the photo club. And the first publication in a photo magazine.

After a photo break of over 20 years (more on this in another question below), I took again my first steps... finding back my “vision”. Also the switch to a digital camera and working with image editing software was new to me. Then the first steps onto the internet to publish photos. My first publication on 1x was also a great motivational boost for me - I was as proud as Oscar!
You can see the photo here:


the blue window #1


How do you maintain and grow your passion for photography?

I was born with the ability to 'see' and how to discover and create my motifs. A whim of nature, so to speak. My photographic development came and still comes from within me, it develops intuitively. I therefore don't have to develop this passion, it is simply there. I haven't had any traditional photographic training, nor have I attended any seminars or workshops, so I'm self-taught.


diagonal shadow play #2


Can you please describe in a few words your photographer philosophy?

The best way to describe my photographic ART is:

“Less is more! As a rule, I prefer photos with a clear visual language. That's why my pictures are usually reduced or minimalist, sometimes abstract, and they are characterized by the clearest possible interplay of lines, shapes, colours and surfaces. I also enjoy photographing “light and shadows” as well as black and white - but even then, a clear visual language and composition are very important to me. Less is (usually) more!”




Why are you so drawn by Architecture and Abstract Photography?

It just developed that way because of my preference for clearly designed images. I find many of my motifs in industrial and commercial areas. But modern buildings and city districts or selected buildings such as museums or galleries are also interesting photographic subjects for me.


white sunshades - revised


What is more important to you, the mood,/story behind your images or the technical perfection?

Technical perfection but not only that. What fascinates me is the design of the picture content, the arrangement of the most important picture elements into a harmonious whole. “Playing” with lines, shapes and surfaces gives me great pleasure and usually takes place three times: first before taking the picture, i.e. when looking at a possible motif - these are the seconds when I recognize a motif. Then during the shoot, because the limited view through the viewfinder can lead to a new, different perception of the composition, and then during post-processing. The final composition and image selection often only take place when working on the computer. I then play with different image cuts and formats or assess the effect of an image when I have mirrored it horizontally (rarely vertically). Some motifs, especially if they are regular patterns, are placed diagonally. In the end, I decide on the composition that creates the best image effect. Working on this final composition is often the first step in my digital post-processing. Only when I have found the right format, the right image cut, I do carry out the further processing steps.


Düsseldorf/Germany (4)


What generally is your relationship to your subject matter beyond being an observer?

I find it very appealing to depict a moment in our everyday surroundings, our real world. Or a section of it. The available light, the prevailing weather, the time of year and day, the existing colours and structures, the focal length I used, the position I took when taking the picture and, last but not least, my final composition - the interplay of all these factors makes each picture unique. Therefore, this section of our reality is always unique. This unique piece cannot be exactly repeated. This fact fascinates me! I always aim to depict this section of reality with a clear image design and in the most visually appealing way possible. I consider it very successful when I can attribute the denomination “aesthetic” to one of my photographs.




Do you prepare carefully the locations where you are intending to photograph?

My preparation is not very extensive. What I pay attention to, of course, is the weather - it should be sunny and warm. Sunny because of the light and the resulting shadows and sunny because I love the warmth 😊.  Of course, I choose my locations and areas according to certain criteria that suit my type of photography. So modern architecture, playing with lines and surfaces, or I visit a place or area a second time because I wasn't satisfied with the results the first time.



What gear do you use (camera, lenses, bag)?

I own two Panasonic DMC-G70s, one with the Lumix Vario 12-35mm/2.8 Asph and one Lumix Vario 1:2.8/35-100mm. That's more than enough for me. Most of my photos are taken with the 12-35mm lens. I really like this reduction to one lens. It has the advantage that I can concentrate fully on my surroundings, on my “seeing”.



What software do you use to process your images?

Almost exclusively Lightroom Classic, in very rare cases Photoshop.


autumn in the city

Can you tell us something more about your work flow?

I have already described a lot of things. First I select a city, a building or an industrial area. Then I wait for a suitable day and off I go. If it goes well, I get into a “flow” - I forget about my surroundings and concentrate entirely on my vision and recognizing motifs. That can sometimes take two or three hours. Then I usually have to stop or take a break, eat and/or drink something. If I'm out and about for a whole day, I continue after the break. At home, everything is transferred to the computer and the post-production can begin.

I also always look at photos that I took a long time ago. As I believe that I am constantly developing in the area of image composition and post-processing, I always discover new potential in older shots too. And last but not least, I watch a lot of images taken by other photographers.


like an open book #2 - asymmetrical

What is your most important advice to a beginner in Architecture and Abstract Photography and how do you get started?

Advice is always a tricky thing! I think everyone has first to listen to their inner “photographic voice”. By that I mean that they should photograph the way their intuition and feelings tell them to and  should photograph their favourite motifs. Under no circumstances one should try to copy other photographers. That won't work, and doesn't lead to your own style, your own signature. What  should be mastered in my opinion, are the most important image composition rules. Especially in the field of architectural photography, knowledge of the effect of lines, surfaces, shapes and points is indispensable - and one should be able to apply these rules. Once those rules are known, one can deliberately break them!  


It all started during a four-week trip to Norway in the summer of 1985, when I was 22 years old. After careful consideration, I decided to go for a Minolta X-700 - in hindsight, that was a stroke of luck for me! When I was on vacation, I was just shooting everything, I had no idea about image composition at the time. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed the medium and so I decided to join a local photography club. I was amazed at what could be photographed - and in what way! I really enjoyed the club and took an active part in club life. I enjoyed taking more and more photographs, and even then I developed a preference for images with a clear composition, with dominant lines, areas and dots. And almost from the very beginning, I was fascinated by light and shadow and black and white.


In 1994/1995, my life underwent major changes in a relatively short space of time. As well as moving and building a new home, our son was born. And there were major new professional challenges that took up a lot of my time. As a result, I couldn't find the time to work intensively on my photography. Family, work and also home and garden clearly took priority. And it became too far to drive to the photo club after moving. The years went by and I only photographed more extensively when I was on vacation. So it wasn't until 2018 that I got back into photography more intensively!


highway - revised


What would be your favourite photo from the last years? Please tell us the story behind it.

(laughs) … It's impossible for me to talk about a favourite photo! I have too many photos that meet my personal standards and that I consider to be well taken and processed. But to answer the question, I'll pick out the two photos below: I saw the motif of the stepped wall and knew immediately that it appealed to me, that it could be good. And I photographed it. When I had finished two or three shots, I took a few steps to the front left and then the flowerpot revealed itself to my gaze. I was delighted, because the flower pot was the icing on the cake. The two photos were taken on the Greek Cyclades island of Amorgos and show an outside staircase (with wall) on a residential building. The staircase leads from the forecourt of the house to a terrace on the second floor.





red flower pot


Who are your favourite photographers or mentors whose works have influenced you and your photography?

If there is a mentor, it is Rolf Endermann. We met virtually some years ago and I was fascinated by his photos. I contacted him and he was happy to answer my questions. He helped me with a lot with both digital photography and image design. We now also know each other personally. My warmest regards to you, dear Rolf!


We almost reach the end of this interview and I would kindly ask you to share with us your future plans or photographic projects you would like to be involved in.

I want to continue to cultivate my own style in the future, I still see a lot of potential and I still really enjoy it.  There are two things I've been paying attention to a bit more often lately: more unusual image cuts with lots of negative space (if it fits) and, if possible, designing photos in such a way that they have a stronger emotional impact and emotional component.


Is there anything else you wish to add  and what do you think about 1X as a home base for your work?

I am not only represented on 1x.... (grins). Joking aside! My heartfelt thanks go to Yvette and 1x for giving me the opportunity for this interview!  To me, 1x is enormously important for my further development.  The images are great and have a huge range of motifs! I am proud to be part of this community! 








old and new


Gratuliere Markus ! Absolut beeindruckend !
Hallo Hans Peter, vielen Dank für Deine lobenden Worte! Ich kann erst heute Antworten, da ich seit Dienstag früh 6 Tage auf Gletschertour in den Alpen gewesen bin und dort auf den Hütten kein oder nur wenig Internetempfang war. LG Markus
Dear Markus, thanks so much for sharing your story and your photographic concepts and ideas. The results Mia Beautiful gallery within your conceptions that less is more. Love your minimalistic works mainly for your excellent usuage of a giving space where your very own signature is very distinct . My warmest congratulations on the interview. Well deserved, my best compliments. 🙏🏽Finally my appreciation to Yevetts for bringing your story and gallery in such an impressive way.
Thanks for your huge compliment, Arnon. I enjoy to bring and present the stories and galleries of our excellent artists and so is Markus. Cheers, Yvette
Hi Arnon, thank you so much for your great appreciation and words of praise !!! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Felicitats Markus. Un treball meravellós.
Hello jordiegeatorrent, thank you very much for your words of praise, I feel very honoured! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
tolles interview. sehr interessant und herausragend gute aufnahmen. glückwunsch.
Hallo Michael, vielen Dank für Deine lobenden Worte! Ich kann erst heute antworten, da ich seit Dienstag früh 6 Tage auf Gletschertour in den Alpen gewesen bin und dort auf den Hütten kein oder nur wenig Internetempfang war. LG Markus
ein sehr interessantes Interview. Immer wieder spannend etwas über den Menschen hinter der Kamera und den Bildern zu erfahren. Die Bildauswahl zu diesem Artikel ist super und man kann Dir zu Deiner fotografischen Entwicklung nur gratulieren. Wie immer geht mein Dank auch an Yvette
Thanks for your neverlasting appreciation, Hans-Wolfgang!
Hallo Hans-Wolfgang, vielen Dank für Deine anerkennenden Worte und Deine große Wertschätzung !! Ja, ich denke, ich habe eine interessante Entwicklung erleben dürfen - und möchte weiterhin so fotografieren !! Leider kann ich Dir erst heute Antworten, da ich seit Dienstag früh 6 Tage auf Gletschertour in den Alpen gewesen bin und dort auf den Hütten kein oder nur wenig Internetempfang war. Beste Grüße Markus
Wonderful Selection. Great Photographer.
Hello Lus, thank you very much for your words of praise, I feel very honoured! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Wonderful collection
Hello Michael, thank you very much for your words of praise, I feel very honoured! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Wonderful photos Markus, accept my congratulations, and many thanks Yvette for arranging the interesting interview and publishing it.
Thank you, dear Miro ;-)
Hello Susta, thank you very much for your words of praise, I feel very honoured! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Amazing works!!! Thanks so much !!
Hello Montserrat, thank you very much for your words of praise, I feel very honoured! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Fascinating works Markus and a very engaging interview. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your journey. Greetings
Hello Atul, thank you very much for your words of praise, I feel very honoured! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Hallo Markus, herzlichen Glückwunsch zu dieser wunderbaren Präsentation Deiner kreativen Sichtweise ,Dein fotografischer Stil ist unverkennbar und hat sich in den letzten Jahren immer weiterentwickelt , mach weiter so ! Herzlichen Dank auch an Yvette für diesen tollen Beitrag
My pleasure, dear Rolf !
Hallo Rolf, vielen Dank für Deine lobenden Worte! Und ja, ich werde so weitermachen... *grins... weil es mir Spaß macht !! Und Du weißt, warum ich erst heute antworten kann... auf den Hütten gab es wenig oder keinen Internetempfang... bin erst seit wenigen Stunden wieder zuhause! LG Markus
Your work is excellent and inspirational thank you Markus, and thank you as always Yvette.
Much appreciated, dear Wayne !
Hello Wayne, thank you very much for your words of praise, I feel very honoured! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Thank you Markus for your inteview. Your pics are sources of my inspiration. I study them each time
Hello Roberto, thank you very much for your words of praise, I feel very honoured! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
First of all congratulations Markus, a beautiful story and a great recipe for all photographers on how to achieve such perfection, which is visible in your photos. Beautiful images, soothing to the eyes and soul of every viewer. All the best and Yvette, thank you for a wonderful article.
Thanks for your appreciation, dear Slawomir!
Hello Slawomir, thank you very much for your words of praise, I feel very honoured! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Минималистично, лаконично и очень выразительно!
Thanks a lot, Arsen !! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Bella e interessante intervista, i lavori fotografici presentati sono di altissima qualità e fonte di ispirazione, complimenti per la tua bravura e l’entusiasmo che metti nel coltivare la tua passione 😊
Hello Sergio, thank you very much for your words of praise, I feel very honoured! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Schön, auf diesem Weg einen Einblick in deine Arbeitsweise zu bekommen. Deine Bilder sind extrem gut durchdacht und es ist dir gelungen, eine eigene Bildsprache zu entwickeln. Glückwunsch!
Hallo Stephan, vielen Dank für Deine lobenden und anerkennenden Worte! Leider kann ich Dir erst heute antworten, da ich seit Dienstag früh 6 Tage auf Gletschertour in den Alpen gewesen bin und dort auf den Hütten kein oder nur wenig Internetempfang war. LG Markus
Ein wunderbares Interview mit inspirierenden Fotos und spannenden Einblicken in Deine Arbeitsweise. Macht Vorfreude auf viele weitere Werke. Vielen Dank, lieber Markus!
Hallo Franz, vielen Dank für Deine lobenden und anerkennenden Worte! Ich hoffe, dass ich in Bezug auf künftige Fotos Deine Erwartungen erfüllen kann/werde... *grins.... Leider kann ich erst heute antworten, da ich seit Dienstag früh 6 Tage auf Gletschertour in den Alpen gewesen bin und dort auf den Hütten kein oder nur wenig Internetempfang war. LG Markus
Ganz spannender Artikel mit vielen Parallelen und tollen Fotos. Herzlichen Glückwunsch und weiterhin immer gutes Licht... HG Rolf
Hallo Rolf, vielen Dank für Deine lobenden Worte! Du weißt, warum ich erst heute antworten kann... auf den Hütten gab es wenig oder keinen Internetempfang... LG Markus
Great portfolio , congratulations
Hello Wael, thank you very much for your words of praise! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Beautiful style !! Lovely images and a great interview!!
Hello Shobhit, thank you very much for your words of praise! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Grandiose Sichtweisen gepaart mit Perfektion in der Ausführung -Chapeau!
Hallo Udo, vielen Dank für Deine lobenden Worte! Ich kann erst heute Antworten, da ich seit Dienstag früh 6 Tage auf Gletschertour in den Alpen gewesen bin und dort auf den Hütten kein oder nur wenig Internetempfang war. LG Markus
What a beautiful and eye opening exhibition! Congratulations!
Hello Nichole, Thank you very much for your words of praise, I feel very honoured! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Great images..Congratulations
Hello Emel, thank you very much for your words of praise! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
I don't usually give my opinion on architectural works, because I don't understand the subject enough to give an opinion; however, I can see the beauty there, where it is. Your photos are extremely beautiful. Seeing them as a whole gives me a feeling of tranquility. Your simple but spectacular compositions, the great effect of light, and the economy of color in many of them... I congratulate you and I am glad to belong to a community where there are such magnificent photographers. Warm regards.
Hello Asuncion, thank you very much for your words of praise, I feel very honoured! Unfortunately I can only reply today as I have been on a glacier tour in the Alps for 6 days since Tuesday morning and there was little or no internet reception in the huts/shelters. Best regards, Markus
Really great pictures, congrats, Markus!