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Story telling Studio Photography

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 10th of July 2024


This months' featured exhibition is titled 'Story Telling Studio Photography'  by Ineke Mighorst

Ineke quotes :
Creativity has been in our family for generations. My great-grandfather was an art painter by profession. At home we had a dark room, the development process was exciting. For as long as I can remember, I have owned a camera. When I had children of my own they became my beloved models. After quite a busy working life, I intensified my photography passion. I always want to improve my skills by attending courses, reading about photography and experimenting. Eventually I came into contact with model photography and I knew for sure that this is what I wanted to do. It makes me so happy to work with a team, to connect to people, to find new friendships and share feelings and emotions.

I invite you to explore Ineke's fantastic Story Telling Studio Photography and the stories behind.
This exhibition which will be exposed on our opening page  / 
Gallery during the whole month of July 2024. 
Click here to see the entire exhibition:  [22] Story telling studio photography. by Ineke Mighorst (

To trigger your curiousity, here is a small compilation of images out of this fine exhibition.


'Waiting for the bus'



'What happens, happens'


'Utmost devotion'
'What shall we do next?'
Although I don’t speak Balinese I take it as a compliment. Your work is great as well.
Wow, stunning work!
Thank you so much.
very nice work, light, colors, structure, I'm thrilled,
Thanks a lot.
Stunning work a real masterpiece, congrats Ineke. Thank very much Yvette !!!
Thank you Thierry. Yvette is great and so enthousiast to stimulate you to the next level.
Great! Congratulations on the wonderful interview and the beautiful works!
Thank you so much. It is so rewarding creating this.
Thank you.
Captivating work.Giving a lot of space for phantasies. Thank you!
Thanks for your kind words.
nice work. congrats
Thank you so much Dan.
Impressive series. Congratulations.
Dank je wel Piet
Such a fine story telling exhibition, Ineke. Congratulations with this well deserved feature. Cheers, Yvette
Thank you.