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Antonyus Bunjamin (Abe) - See and feel the Art of Light

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 8th of July 2024


Antonyus Bunjamin (Abe) is an excellent self-taught photographer from Indonesia. In his humble opinion, life has so many interesting things to study and to reflect on their meaning. His work is very diversified and he will never stop learning and improving his photographic skills.  He wants to see and feel the Art of Light, as he expresses so beautifully.


'Light of Tunnel'


Dear Antonyus, first I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire! To begin, please introduce yourself shortly and tell us more about you, your hobbies or other projects you are involved in!

Hello, my name is Antonyus Bunjamin, commonly called Abe. Currently I participate in more local photo competitions in my own country, especially competitions from Instagram media. I am also active in the ministry of the Church and love to hear and read spiritual things.


When and how did you start your photographic journey?

My photography journey began in 2003 when my eldest son was baptized. From that moment, I started to study photography on my own.


For many of us photography is either a hobby or a way of life. How would you define your relationship with photography?

For me, photography is part of my life. It is a way to convey beauty or everyday events and which are shared through media, both digitally and print. Presently, I am participating in local photography competitions and in several international competitions to measure and deepen my photographic skills, because photography has always been around in my live.


What would be the most important experience so far that has influenced your steps in photography?

Photography is one of my livelihood sources, as well as my way to show the world around me and to express my admiration for God's creation.


You have your own style but your work is very diversified. I see street photography, documentary, architecture photography, and some beautiful dance photographs. Can you explain why this is?

I don't want to be fixated on one genre. I want to feel free to express what I experience and what I like. For the moment, I am learning to delve into street photography but it still sticks on correctly composed images.


What is more important to you, the mood,/story behind your images or the technical perfection?

The most important thing for me is to be able to express something and to convey the viewers.  Sometimes, I also want to share or transmit some messages through my work.


What generally is your relationship to your subject matter beyond being an observer?

First I observe, then I feel that I have to capture the object. Sometimes I also imitate other people's works but with the input of my style. I live my life by learning to observe, and imitating what exists and then pouring it into a photo. I think that's life. It all starts with observing. Babies are also born and learn by observing, developing their senses and trying to do the best they can..


Do you prepare carefully the locations where you are intending to photograph?

Not always, most of the time, it happens spontaneously, except for conceptual ideas.


Describe your overall photographic vision.

Photography is recording  the past and can be an excellent tool to develop history.


Can you please tell us something more about your workflow from the idea to the final product?

When participating to photo competitions as I do for the moment, there are topics, goals and themes which have to be followed if you want to win. From that point, I try to detect the characters of the judges and the type of photo the organizers are looking for.


Where do you look to find inspiration and what inspires you the most?

A part of my inspiration comes from looking at other artists' works.  But inspiration also arises when I am praying. The thing that inspires me the most is God's guidance in living this life. All I can realize, is a gift from Him.


Many are of the opinion that the gear is not very important when the passion for photography is strong. However, can you please share with us what gear you use (camera, lenses, lighting, tripod, etc.)?

I mostly use the camera and lens I won. I only use a tripod for slow speed photos at night. Technological advances create AI technology in many different fields. I believe that one day camera technology will improve and the images produced will become more perfect. However, AI will never be able to replace the atmosphere and the expression of the heart when shooting.

Despite the beauty of photographic works created with AI, all of them turn back to the conscience of each user, whether they are satisfied with the work or doubt if it honestly express the nature of His creation as it is.


What would be your favourite photo? Please tell us the story behind it.

My favourite photos are minimalist and/or simple B&W photos containing a deep meaning in their elementary form such as images which are telling the life story of a person, or telling stories without being staged, just faithful to reality.


Who are your favourite photographers or mentors whose works have influenced you and your photography?

I learned from many photographers here on 1x, and from Yvette through the interviews published in the magazine. Everybody has his own peculiarities and it is so good to observe and learn.


Now, since we have almost reached the end of this interview, I would kindly ask you to share with us your plans or photographic projects you would like to be involved in.

Frankly, I don't have any specific plans for photography. But I have a strong desire to keep on working, to be a judge and to make enough money for the needs in my life.


Is there anything else you wish to add  and what do you think about 1X as a home base for your work?

I have a bit of difficulty when opening some panels on the 1x website with my small screen. For example I want to select something in the menu which is not visible. Maybe it would be good if the menu also can be set horizontally to make it easier. Overall, I really praise the 1x curation system at 1x which was one of the mean reasons I’ve joined.


'Rain of Sadness'









'Arch and Ellipse



'Which Door Do You Choose?



'Red and Arch'



'Under The Light'



'Flower 2'



'Minimalism Square Building'



'The Arch of Balerina'



'Double Jump on Flow'



'Balerina Butterfly Dance'



'Bettafish Path'






'Psych of Joker'






'Salt Farmers'



'Morning at Situ Gunung'



'Work Hard'

Just amazing shot! Congrats!
Thank you very much for your appreciation!
The harder you work, the luckier you get!
Thank you very much for your appreciation!
nice pic
Thank you very much for your appreciation!
Beautiful light in the beautiful works! Appreciate very much your article about the light...Learning.
Thank you very much for your appreciation!
Amazing photography, thank you for sharing
Thank you very much for your appreciation!
Bellissimo articolo, con fotografie altrettanto belle. Grazie.
Grazie per il vostro apprezzamento!
What a great work. So good.
Thank you very much for your appreciation!
Congrats!! Love your work!
Thank you very much for your appreciation!
Thank you very much for your appreciation!
Awesome gallery, always love viewing your images. Congrats!
Thank you very much for your appreciation!
very beautiful pictures
Thank you very much for your appreciation!
Thank you for presenting this excellent and creative work!
Your Welcome.. Thank you very much for your appreciation!
Excellent, congratulations
Thank you very much for your appreciation!
fantastic work! Many congrats!
Thank you very much for your appreciation!