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Louis-Philippe Provost - Essence and simplicity in architecture photography

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 1st of July 2024


To Louis-Philippe Provost, photography combines perfectly well with his passion for architecture.  His creative process starts with the initial shot, but transfers into fine art thanks to his masterful skills in Photoshop. Louis-Philippe appreciate simplicity, interesting details, and thoughtful play of light. Architectural photography must remain simple while highlighting the main subject in his opinion. Let's discover more about this fine artist through this interview.


To begin, please introduce yourself shortly and tell us more about you, your hobbies or other projects you are involved in!

My name is Louis Philippe Provost. I am 48 years old and live in the Ottawa region of Canada. I work as a machine operator for Kruger Products, and I dedicate all my free time to photography. I specialize in architecture and abstract photography. My love of travelling, especially to urban cities, combines my two passions.


'Foggy Empire State

For many of us photography is either a hobby or a way of life. How would you define your relationship with photography?

Without any aptitude for drawing or painting on canvas, I turned to photography to satisfy my artistic side!  Seriously, photography is a way for me to escape the daily routine and pursue my endless search for future projects. The thrill of the unknown keeps me motivated to explore this wonderful world.  I would say it’s not a relationship, it’s an obsession!  I see the world through a lens, always hunting for the perfect shot.  I always say my best picture is the one I haven’t taken yet.



What would be the most important experience so far that has influenced your steps in photography?

It might sound crazy, but having my first image published on 1x gave me the motivational boost I needed to pursue my photographic journey. I graduated from college with a photography degree over 20 years ago, uncertain about my future. I worked in a professional lab for eight years, developing and printing rolls after rolls of film. The knowledge I gained was valuable, but as digital photography progressed, labs were closing left and right, so I decided to change careers. I kept photography as a hobby without clear direction until I discovered 1x. The creativity and skill on the site inspired me to submit my first image, reigniting my passion. Though my next 20 submissions were unpublished, they were part of the process. I spent hours on YouTube learning Photoshop and developing a style that suited me.



Can you please describe in a few words your photographer philosophy?

I see myself as an artist first and as a photographer second. Most of my work happens in front of a computer, where I spend 5 to 10 hours transforming each image in my portfolio. The creative process starts with the initial shot, but it transfers into fine art in Photoshop. Gone are the days of darkroom chemicals and wasted paper. Technology has revolutionized our artistic approach and will continue to do so. I appreciate simplicity, interesting details, and thoughtful play of light. Architectural photography must remain simple while highlighting the main subject.


'Freedom Tower'

Why are you so drawn by Architecture and Abstract Photography?

Beside sports, my first passion was architecture.  As a child we took a family vacation to Spain and my parents made us visit all the cathedrals and churches on our route, which looking back was odd since we weren’t really a religious family.  From the medieval layout of Toledo to the Alhambra of Granada, I was fascinated with the history and beauty of the architecture which was a world apart from what I knew back home.

After high school, I initially enrolled in an architecture program at Algonquin College but quickly realized my math skills were lacking and drawing wasn’t for me. I switched to photography, which perfectly combined my passion for architecture.



What is more important to you, the mood,/story behind your images or the technical perfection?

Both are important. There is a certain atmosphere that can be expressed in architectural photography by highlighting the beauty of a detail or manipulating light. Technical aspects are crucial; lines and perspectives often need to be straight. No one wants a crooked wall in an architectural photograph!




Do you prepare carefully the locations where you are intending to photograph?

As an architecture photographer, I love walking and exploring urban settings. When travelling to new destinations, I do a quick Google search for potential spots, but that’s as far as my planning goes. I prefer immersing myself in the surroundings rather than being influenced by online images. Closer to home, I prefer cloudy days for less contrast which makes it easier for post-processing.


'The Chrysler building'

What gear do you use (camera, lenses, bag)?

I’ve always used Nikon cameras. From my trusted F90x in the film days, I now own a Z7ii with three lenses: 15-30mm, 80-200mm, and the 24-120mm, which is on my camera 90% of the time.



What software do you use to process your images?

Photoshop, NIK filters, Topaz Labs, and DxO Viewpoint4.


'San Francisco'

What is your most important advice to a beginner in Architecture and Abstract Photography and how do you get started?

Patience and perseverance. Learn from your mistakes, analyse others' work, and keep up with new techniques. Don’t copy someone else’s style; find yours by working on what you love. Compete in photo awards to compare your work with others. Be active on social media; I love my Instagram community. Lastly, join 1X—it’s the fastest way to see if a picture works.


'Waves of steel'

What would be your favourite photo from the last years? Please tell us the story behind it.

My image called “W” is probably the most significant of my photography journey. During a trip to Boston, I knew I had to photograph the iconic Stata Center designed by Frank Gehry.  Part of the MIT campus, the innovative architecture of the building is a photographer’s dream.  With fading light, I took roughly 25 shots in less than 15 minutes. Through post-processing, I developed my style with this image, spending 20 hours perfecting it. The effort paid off, as I won multiple national and international awards with this photo.


'W version 2.0'

Who are your favourite photographers or mentors whose works have influenced you and your photography?

Many photographers have influenced my work. If I had to name one, it would be Julia Anna Gospodarou known for her mastery of light and original compositions.


'Contemporary Jewish Museum'

We almost reach the end of this interview, and I would kindly ask you to share with us your future plans or photographic projects you would like to be involved in.

A vernissage. Another ongoing project is a photo book featuring the architecture of our wonderful national capital, Ottawa.



Is there anything else you wish to add and what do you think about 1X as a home base for your work?

1X is by far the best photography website online, with a quality unmatched elsewhere. Enjoying the published photos is part of my morning routine. The community and dedication of the curators have helped me become a better artist. I’d like to thank Yvette and the entire team—it means the world to me!


Many thanks for taking the time to answer these questions and to allow us to know more about you as person and as artist behind your wonderful works, Louis-Philippe.


'Curves and Colors #3'


'Guggenheim Museum 2'


'Olympic Stadium'


'The Ring'


'Urban Texture 2'

Wonderful architecture images, with great interplay between highlights and shadows. Thanks so much for sharing dear Yvette and my best compliments to Louis-Philippe for excellent gallery.
Thank you very much Arnon!
Tác phẩm tuyệt đẹp, xin chúc mừng.
Thank you Nguyen!
Excelent photos!!! Great artists!!! Compliments! Heartfelt thanks dear Yvette for these wonderful interviews with always very interesting images !!!
Thank you very much Irene!
Stunning work wonderful photos!! Congrats!!
Thank you very much Gila!
Wonderful images, thank you so much for all the insight from a talented and gifted artist, it is a pleasure to read and view.
Thank you very much Kathryn!
Bravo pour ton travail Louis-Philippe! La composition de tes images et l'utilisation que tu fais de la lumière ambiante, notamment dans la photographie architecturale, sont absolument phénoménales. Je suis particulièrement impressionné d'apprendre qu'une grande partie de ton évolution photographique s'est déroulée de façon autodidacte. J'ai toujours hâte de découvrir tes nouvelles images.
Merci beaucoup Michel!
Excellent article!!!
Thank you very much Montserrat!
Extraordinary work!
Thank you so much Ludmila!
Stunning art with perfect lighting, congrats
Thank you very much Wael, love your work as well!
Thank you, Louis-Philippe, for letting me get to know your path to architectural photography. Thank you also for giving me the pleasure of seeing your fantastic pictures here at 1x. Dear Yvette, thank you very much for the great interview. Yours sincerely, Herbert
All pleasure is mine, Herbert ;-)
Thank you very much Herbert, your work is truly inspirational!
Stunning works, congratulations 🎊
Thank you very much Thomas!
Many thanks Eduardo!
Fabulous work.
Thank you very much Michael!
Every piece of work is very exquisite. Congratulations to your dear friend
Thank you very much!