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Carles Punyet Miró: immortalizing the beauty of women

By Yvette Depaepe
Published the 21st of November 2022


Carles Punyet Miró is a fascinating photographer living in Barcelona, who loves aerial photography as he is a private pilot but also is passionate by capturing the beauty of women.




I studied cinematography and photography and started making short films when I was in my twenties.
I didn´t fully dedicate to photography until 2014, and always as an amateur.


'Close to the edge'



'The Lone Rider'


My most important experience in photography was when I joined the Agrupació Fotogràfica de Catalunya” and Federació Catalana de Fotografía” in 2013.

And my photographic vision is probably the vision of any photographer, trying to capture what I like in my very own way.


'Postcard from Côte d'Azur'  



'Escape from Winter'


As I am a private pilot, I like aerial photography. Unfortunately I have to shoot from inside the cabin (plexiglass, movement, flight control), losing quality.


'Cloud Cover' 



'Long way home'



'Don't pass me by'


It´s easier to make portraits trying to capture the beauty of women and their expressions. I just love it, that´s my secret.




The main features of a successful portrait photographer are, in my humble opinion, speaking and understanding the model, and knowing how to explain what you want to achieve, trying to make the session as relaxed as possible (and make them laugh, of course).


'Vive la Résistance!'   



'Just another groom at the window'



'Keep Calm and Wait'   



'A night in the life'


The idea always comes before.   Later in the edit, I try to highlight the details.


'Sweat Dreams'



'Messing Around' 





I find my inspiration in real life. I´m inspired by what I see and what I live.


'Off Duty'   



'On Tour'


I'm persuaded that gear is very important, whether or not you have a passion for photography. I usually use a Sony Alpha 7II camera and Sony lens 24-105, and sometimes Canon 7D Mark II and Canon lens 24-105. No tripod (I´m an amateur)

About my own favourite photo, that's hard to say!  Depends on the day, I guess.


'Mary's Gang of '20'


A lot of people have influenced my photography. 
First of all, my mentor Pere Romero (a member of A.F.C). And also photographers as Newton, Leibovitz, Halsman, Ray, Lindbergh, Avedon, Newman…that I endlessly admire.

I got no real plans.  Going with the flow day by day looking forward that inspiration catches me.


Just wonderful collection of beautiful photographs, accept my compliments and sincere congratulations dear Miro and also great tanks to Yvette for excellent publishing
Beautiful photos and very talented artists, congratulations Carles! Thanks Yvette for this article!
Thank you, dear Vasil!
Thank you so much Vasil
Absolutely stunning images, congratulations Carles
Anita may I thank you to stop and comment, so kind
Great article and images. I'm a big fan of your work! Best regards, Patrick
Patrick many thanks, for me it´s an honor
Thank you Carles and also a big thank you to Yvette for this article with great photos. Good luck to all!
Thank you so much Viktor
Thanks dear Viktor
Beautiful gallery with original and graceful portraits of women. Congratulations!
Thanks a lot Ludmila
Interesting explanation write up accompanied with fabulous photographs, congratulations and thank you Carles and also many thanks to Yvette
Thank you, dear Miro !
Thank you so much Miro
Un article i un reconeixement totalment merescut. El teu estil de retrat és en si una peça d’art! Felicitats Carles
Roger moltes gracies, company
Great worrk / Congratulations.
Merci bcp Jean-Luc, très aimable
Appreciate the interview and the excellent collection of the work! Thanks so much for making this happen, Yvette!
Thank you so much Mr. Li
Thank you dear Wanghan Li.
Super congratulations, Carles for this magnificent job. It is more than evident the good work you do and how versatile it is. A master capturing the beauty of women. Thank you for making it so beautiful and sharing it with all of us, you enrich us and light up our lives. Superb report once again dear Yvette, keep up your good reports, I really enjoy them.
Me has sacado los colores, Mabel, (y creo que la última vez fue cuando tenía 6 años) Eres muy amable, gracias por tus comentarios
Thank you, Mabel ;-)
Beautiful work, Carlos. It was a pleasure to interview you and to know more about you. Cheers, Yvette
It´s very kind of you, Yvette, thanks a lot