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Ute Scherhag: Creative visions on architecture and design

Tutorial/interview led by Editor Marius Cinteza in collaboration with the author Ute Scherhag.
Edited and published by Yvette Depaepe, the 9th of August 2022


"12.30" by Ute Sherhag


Ute Scherhag is a talented photographer located in Germany and she’s particularly interested in playing with lines, light and mood as a way of expressing her visions on still life or architecture compositions.


Ute, can you please shortly tell us about your passion for architecture photography?

Photography has accompanied me for decades. Shapes, structures and patterns exert a special attraction on me. Therefore, architectural photography makes up the majority of my images. It's not important to me to reflect reality 1:1, photo editing makes it possible for me to adapt the photo to my visions and I try to pass on the feelings I had while looking at the scenery. I remove unnecessary and distracting image components and I change lighting situations in order to fulfil my vision.


Your image "12.30" is a remarkable composition of contrasting colours, lines and urban shapes. What is the story behind this work?
The photo 12:30 was taken in the "Kunsthalle Mannheim". It shows an installation by Alicja Kwade called "The moving emptiness of the moment" - a train station clock swings through the foyer of the Mannheim art gallery. The time shown on the station clock is the time the photograph was taken.


Can you please tell us know more about the workflow and editing process you have used for "12:30"?
My photo shows a visitor on the staircase who is fascinated by this art work. I was fascinated by this situation, too. At the same time, I was impressed by the graphic effect of the architecture and the presence of numerous geometric shapes. To enhance this effect, I split the photo diagonally and turned one half into a negative, thus resulting in more geometric shapes and a surreal overall impression.


I have noticed many other creative and powerful images from your portfolio within the urban and architectural areas, successfully merging photography and design domains. What makes you attracted to this kind of the photography?
We meet architecture and design elements everywhere – either when living or working, either in urban or rural areas. Architecture and design arouse my curiosity and give me the opportunity to transform my impressions and visions into photographs.

Thanks a lot for this interesting information, dear Ute.


You can go and explore Ute's wonderful 1x portfolio.
Here are some other works to trigger your curiosity ...


"The mouth"
Ute ,you are simply the best !!!
I once had a dream that there's no Photoshop and 95% of authors on 1x have disappeared.
The light and shadow are beautiful, and the composition is well thought out. It is a work that I want to see forever.
Super Bilder mit starken Details - ein interessanter Einblick in die Arbeitsweise von Ute. Vielen Dank dafür.
Dear Ute, what a wonderful gallery and thanks so much for the insight to your work. My compliments to you and Yvette for this great interview.
Love your work, always a pleasure to view your images!
Begeistert habe ich diesen Artikel gelesen, spannend etwas über deine Vorgehensweise zu erfahren! Du bist für mich einfach eine der besten Architekturfotografen, liebe Ute! Ich bewundere immer wieder deine Arbeiten! Thanks to you and thanks to Yvette and Marius!
Thanks for your appreciation, dear Susanne!
Absolutely amazing work congratulations Ute
Powerful work, Ute! Great article, Marius! Congrats!
Thank you very much, Raceala
Many thanks for interesting interview and lovely photo selection Marius, for excellent editing Yvette and my compliments to you for beautiful photos Ute.
Many thanks, Miro!! :-)
Thank you, dear Miro!
Thank you very much, Miro
Uno spettacolo per gli occhi. Immagini meravigliose, creative e potenti con colori e composizione straordinari , con linee e forme urbane contrastanti. Complimenti cara Ute. Grazie Yvette e Marius per la presentazione
Thank you so much, Francesca!!
Many thanks, dear Francesca!
Thank you very much, Francesca
Compliments, stunning works!
Thank you very much, Thomas