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Pick of The Week - Architecture

by Editor Peter Davidson (PoTW - #22004)
Edited and published by Yvette Depaepe, the 21st of July 2022


"Taking Photo of Birds" 

This weeks PoTW by Sara Goli is an architectural image of a strange, ambiguous and unknown structure. Just as strange is the title and co-subject human element. Now, I do understand many arcitectural photographers eschew the idea of incorporating any human element in thier photography, so my apologies for any offended sensibilities I may have incured in that regard. But rules are made to be broken.
To create or capture a good arcitectural image, the photographer must create an accurate as well as aesthetically pleasing representation of their subject. That's a given. But in addition, for an exceptional shot, they must also convey to the viewer the depth, scale and strength of the materials, not only in its physicality, but emotionally.
Here, Sara has done all of that. She has composed the image with particular skill and attention to detail as well as perfectly photographing the structure correctly. Simple and true, nothing distorted and everything correctly aligined. Adding a human element gives scale and power, true, but that human is not there for simply scale. No, this human is not passive, but unimpressed, more focused on photographing a passing flock of birds outside the huge window. That transforms this architectural image into more of a pictorial form of poetry. It askes questions. Make of it what you will. It all translates this brutalist concrete structure of a building into something more than simply utalitarian. It's more than a picture of a building. It's for the birds. Or the poets.
 Nicely done Sara!


minimalistic ....nice light , strong image !!
Awesome shot,well done!
Awesome shot the volume created is great
Beautiful light, tones and sense of space, Sara. Superb work completed by the tiny figure.
Excellent moody B&W work. My compliments dear Sara. Well deserved!
This is an amazing image. Well done!
The scale is phenomenal and brought together by the presence of a person. Love it so much.
Excellent composition, Sara!!! Well deserved