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Featured exhibition 'Zoontology' by Pedro Jarque

Edited by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 6th of January 2022 


Pedro Jarque's interest in philosophy and animal photography led him to the question: do animals have souls? And by soul he basically means consciousness. The term "animal" covers all animals, from microscopic organisms to mammals, insects, reptiles, birds, and so on. Can we compare the degree of consciousness of a bacterium, if it has one, or even of a reptile with that of a mammal?
Pedro decided to call his project 'Zoontology', because it combines his two great passions. This word is composed of two words, "zoo" which means animal and "ontology" which is the branch of philosophy that studies being, existence. There are many questions that are considered "ontological". One of them could be, is there a body-soul dualism? So for me, "Zoontology" would be a philosophical approach to animals.


This featured exhibition is exposed on the opening page or our site and will be there till the 15th of January 2022.
Link: [5] Zoontology by Pedro Jarque Krebs (


Here are a few images you can admire in this exhibition, just to trigger your curiousity.


'Jealous otters'


'Helping hand'



'Asian elephants' 

In the early 1900s, botanists reclassified the Spirea, Plum, and Apple families as subfamilies within the Rose, An Apple is a Rose! :-) I am honored to have my “ Apple & Roses” still life photo selected. Thank you very much Wicher and Yvette for creating such a romantic poetic article with great plant knowledge. Congratulations to all amazing photographers! Best Regards!
the way Pedro takes pictures of animals makes them very human and very touching. Congratulations Pedro.
From a human’s point of view, it’s completely obvious that the animals in Pedro’s photographs have emotions, which could be interpreted as consciousness, which could be interpreted as soul. Some people even believe that humans have souls, without any clear definition of what the word soul means, and without any objective evidence for this belief. For me, I believe that I, and also these animals, have souls! Absolutely gorgeous and heart-moving images Pedro! My soul is stirred.
Excelentes fotografías, con muy buen gusto con el procesado
txules PRO
Enhorabuena Pedro, fascinantes retratos que humanizan a los animales. Un saludo
Impressive images Pedro Jarque, Congratulations for the feature ! Thank you for sharing this Yvette ..its beautiful