by Editor Wicher Bos
Published the 18th of September 2020
Creativity can be triggered in many ways….
This title of course, is a famous book title by the author and philosopher Leo Tolstoy (9 September 1828 - 20 November 1910) who was born this month 192 years ago.
At the same time, it is an eternal contrast… as long as humans exist, war and peace have been part of their existence. And it was the trigger for a search in the database to see what images it brought up…
By the way did you know that Tolstoy had written a book on art?
With the intriguing title, “What is Art?”
It was completed in 1897 and first published in English.
Having rejected the use of beauty in definitions of art, Tolstoy conceptualises art as anything that communicates emotion.
I quote Roger Fry: Tolstoy takes as view: ‘Art appreciates emotion in and for itself’. Tolstoy gives an example of what he means by calling art the means of communicating emotions. “Let us suppose a boy to have been pursued in the forest by a bear. If he returns to the village and merely states that he was pursued by a bear and escaped, that is ordinary language, the means of communicating facts or ideas; but if he describes his state first of heedlessness, then of sudden alarm and terror as the bear appears, and finally of relief when he gets away, and describes this so that his hearers share his emotions, then his description is a work of art.”
Now, back to War and Peace – a contrast full of emotion.
What images do we find – What art is there in on this theme?
Key words: WAR/PEACE
Urinetown by Christophe Kiciak
'Blackbird*' by Sergey Parishkov
'Warrior' by Herion Jean-Claude
n/t by Joxe Inazio Kuesta Garmendia
'The endless rows of sorrow' by Susanne Stoop
'No more wars' by Claudio Moretti
'Peacefulness' by Vlad Dumitrescu
'Peace writing' by Ben Goossens
'Messenger of Peace' by Partha Sarathi Dalal
'The reader' by Cristina Pavón Llácer
'Behind the corner' by Monique
'United Diversity' by Benton Murphy
'New World Order' by Firdaus Zulkefili
'Freedom bird' by Alaa Al-Shurafa
Finally, we arrived from War through suffering to Peace… and Freedom.
One last quote by Tolstoy from War and Peace:
“They say: misfortunes, sufferings...well, if someone said to me right now, this minute: do you want to remain the way you were before captivity, or live through it all over again? For God's sake, captivity again and horsemeat! Once we're thrown off our habitual paths, we think all is lost; but it's only here that the new and the good begins. As long as there's life, there's happiness. There's much, much still to come.”
I hope you were as impressed by the quality of these images as I was…
![]() | Write |
![]() | Huang 很喜欢文章中艺术家们的图片,不管情感是否强烈体现。 |
![]() | Wicher Bos CREW 谢谢你的客气话
Thank you for your kind words! |
![]() | Joxe Inazio Kuesta Garmendia PRO Congratulations dear Wicher for this article and for the selection of those magnificent photos. And thank you very much for chosing one of mine. Congratulations to the other photographers as well. And many thanks to Yvette for her work that allows us to enjoy the excellent articles and reflections that appear in the Magazine. Have a great day my friends. |
![]() | Wicher Bos CREW thank you! |
![]() | Ben Goossens PRO The images I have seen here makes me happy... exceptional IMO
Best, Ben
![]() | Wicher Bos CREW Thanks Ben, much appreciated |
![]() | Vladimir Asriyan Dear Wicher Bos! The photos in the article are good, of excellent quality. But personally, they do not produce a strong emotional impact on me, because they are staged in nature, they are artificial. You've probably seen a lot of documentary photos about the war. I want to offer you another documentary military album, which contains a huge number of photographs of many military photographers of the Second World War. These photos are always relevant. This is where the real emotional impact is, which leads to an understanding of what war and peace are. However, you yourself understand this no worse than me ... Yours faithfully, Vlad. |
![]() | Wicher Bos CREW Thanks Vlad, yep nothing more personal than emotions and experiences....
For me these worked well ... the message they send (staged or not) is very relevant even today... stay safe! Wicher |
![]() | Vladimir Asriyan How to translate "War and Peace" into English: War and Peace or War and World?
After all, in another language there is no such homonym as MIR
The question is really interesting. The fact is that the first translation of this epic novel into English just sounded like "War and Peace", but in the original the title was like this: "War and Peace". The words "mir" and "mir" meant several different things in pre-revolutionary Russian:
"Mir" - peace in the meaning: the absence of war, a calm state of mind, etc.
And "mir" is peace in the sense of: Earth, "this world" in contrast to the spiritual world, society.
So, if not to violate Tolstoy's plan, the correct translation would be "War and World", i.e. war and how it affected the "world", the fate of people, etc. .. |
![]() | Wicher Bos CREW Thanks for your addition Vladimir! Nothing more complicated than translation not just in another language but in an other and and culture too. Hope it still was enjoyable to you. |
![]() | Wicher Bos CREW 'and and' = 'era and'
even typing can be a struggle... ;) |