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Results Contest RAINBOWS

by Editor Yvette Depaepe

'Rainbows' are a real treat for photographers.  They are caused by light reflecting from, and being refracted by, millions of tiny raindrops.  A true challenge to be on the right place and handling quickly to catch these wonderful arcs of colour before they disappear.   Many 1x photographers succeeded to catch them in a magnificent way.

The winners with the more votes are:

1st place: Ryu Shin-woo
2nd place: Anna Cseresnjes
3rd place: Burger Jochen 

Congratulations to the winners and honorable mentions and thanks to all the participants in the contest 'Rainbows'.

is the currently running theme.
Clouds often make photographs more dramatic and alive.  They appear in all kind of shapes and forms.  In fact, they can be so beautiful that sometimes they become the main element in a composition.
This contest will end at midnight on Sunday the 1st of September.
The sooner you upload your submission the more chance you have to gather the most votes.
If you haven't uploaded your photo yet, click here.  


1st place: Ryu Shin-woo


2nd place: Anna Cseresnjes


3rd place: Burger Jochen



by Richard Beresford Harris


MJoão Ferreira


by Claudio Moretti


by Stefan Zuser


by Heinz Hieke


by Sid Smallman


by Raymond Salani III



Congratulations to the winners and honorable mentions and big thanks to all the participants. Cheers, Yvette
Thank you very much, dear Yvette and congratulations to all.
Thanks for participating, dear Ryu Shin-woo!