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Protest photography: Capturing the emotions in dissent

by  Marius Cinteză

"Photography cannot change the world but it can show the world, especially when it changes"
~Marc Riboud~

As a highly democratic expression of the popular opinion, the protests has always represented a specific feature of the human society dynamics and a form of people’ statement when facing either injustice or inequality. Whether is corruption, human rights, working conditions, the environment or minority rights, the people choose to object and manifest their disapproval and civil disobedience.

„The revolutionary Man“ by Luis Sarmento

The protests are special moments for documentary photographers, but not only. However, photographing protests is mostly a challenging, intriguing and also an overwhelming activity. Protests are usually collective events involving a lot of people and their emotions and a lot of actions happening simultaneously. For the photographers witnessing such emotionally-resonant moments, capturing the pure feelings and identifying the moments of impact can be demanding. But the results are frequently rewarding.

As the old saying goes, pictures conveys more than thousands of words. Therefore, I invite you to view below a selection of some of the most significant protest moments captured by 1x photographers!

by Remo Rufer


„Boston Rally stand off“ by Miki Joven


„montreal die in“ by Kreddible Trout


„Protest/ Riot?“ by Miki Joven


„God is with us“ by Sorin Vidis


„Riot“ by Nedelcho Hazarbasanov


„We will not retreat“ by Sayed Baqer Alkamel


„Hout Bay protests“ by Giovanni Casini


„New wings for Romania“ by Sorin Vidis


„Berlin.  Mild anarchism.“ by Saber Adavi


„Confrontation“ by Victor Buzu


„Stand off“ by Miki Joven



„Protest“ by lichtspielhaus


„riot...“ by hendra s. Marcusi


„protest song“ by Mihaela Gradinaru


"Demonstration: 1“ by Andre du Plessis FRPS


„I'm watching you“ by Marius Cinteză


[ doom ]“ by Riccardo Romano


„Divided v2“ by Miki Joven


„street photographer“ by Fulvio Pellegrini


Street Protest" by Brice Le Gall

Thank you for the article and including some of my images, a honor.
Thank you, Miki, for sharing your images! :-)
Many thanks for including also one of my pictures!
You are welcome Giovanni! This is a great photo!
Wonderful article and great images selection!Many congratulation to you,Marius and to photographers!
Thank you so much dear Julien!
the people are the ones who order! the fight continues around the world great photographic moments. congrats to all!
Many, many thanks! :-)
I think this is the primary attribute of photography: to document reality. Wonderful, touching works, great article! Now, more than ever, documentary photography is very needed to defend the truth.
Thank you so much Nicoleta for your kind words! Indeed, in the fake news era the documentary photography must stand out and defend the truth!
Fantastic images, congratulations to all the authors!
Many thanks, Roxana!
Splendide immagini. Complimenti agli autori.
Grazie mille Massimo!
Superb images with a lot of emotions, splendid work of the photographers as well as Marius for this very beautiful selection !!!
Many thanks Thierry for your kind words!! Have a great weekend ahead!
Strong article and images!!! Congratulations to all the photographers and thanks to Marius for this great report. Cheers, Yvette
Thank you so much, dear Yvette! All the credits go to 1x members, authors of these wonderful photos!!