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Weekly theme Wealth winners

It's time to wrap up the weekly theme. The final theme was wealth and it's very approperiate considering the wealth of wonderful images we have seen in the Weekly theme. This final week was no exception and we saw that wealth can mean many different things. The three winners who were wealthy in votes were Fernando Alves, Julien Oncete and Luis Bonito. Congratulations!

Thanks to everyone who have submitted photos to Weekly theme. I'll see you in the Monthly theme contest. If you haven't uploaded your photo yet, you can do it here.

1st place, "My wealth" by Fernando Alves.

2nd place, "Pet" by Julien Oncete.

3rd place, "Money machine" by Luis Bonito.


By Lisa Holloway.

By Ray Huntley.

By Kostas Chatzoglou.

By Robert D. Kusztos.

By Mario Grobenski.

"Field of dreams" by Irina Kuznetsova.

By Mike Melnotte.

By Kirk Cypel.

By Francois Roughol.

By Dragan Milovanovic.

By Davide Castellucci.

I wish to pose a question. The three winning images have titles and we are left to ponder the connection between wealth and the image with a title, the rest do not so it is just the image, now maybe I am simple of mind and can not see in a lot of cases how this connects to the theme. Which leaves me with my dilemma, That so many images entered had read what the theme was and so many had pushed the boundary's some so far that there truly is no connection. The winning image I have studied and looked at many times over and the only connection I can find is that he can afford a girly magazine, truly if you put that image out there and asked 1,000 people I doubt you would get one that said its about "Wealth" and truly the same goes for the second image. The third image well there is no doubt as to what this is about. Money making or turning 50's into hundreds I can connect this image to the theme. The honorable mentions, a child in a field, an apple and a field of flowers all are stunning and beautiful images but "Wealth"??? There are many of us out here that take on board the theme and strive to present an image that has a connection, then there are images that well are pushing the envelope, for them to do well is to say go for it and what ever happens happens. You have your next theme up which is "BIRDS" it has an "S" this would to those that are trying to follow the themes in and in spirit of them means Birds, more than one, multiples, not a Bird singular, would not be surprised to see a single bird in the winners list. David Rennie