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1x is a curated photo gallery where every image have been handpicked for their high quality. With a membership, you can take part in the curation process and also try uploading your own best photos and see if they are good enough to make it all the way.
Right now you get one month for free when signing up for a PRO account. You can cancel anytime without being charged.
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Sell prints more easily

There is now a checkbox when you upload photos to make them available for sale directly. If you have not activated print sales, activate it by checking the checkbox "Enable sales" in "Account settings".

We are trying to increase sales in many different ways like partnerships with a number of companies which already sell a lot of prints and planned mobile apps. However, the most important strategy to increase sales is to make as many photos as possible available for sale. Buyers will be disappointed when finding out that their favorite images on 1x are not available. Therefore our goal is that all photos published on 1x should be availble for sale in the future, like in a real photo gallery. Go to "Account settings" > "Select photos to sell" to make your photos available for sale.

Make photos for sale automatically when you upload with the check box "For sale".

Do the high-resolution versions (print versions) of images have to be uploaded before they can be made for sale, or can we wait to upload the print versions until after a sale has been made?
We very much prefer if you upload in high resolution before making the photos available for sale. It's ok to upload in jpg for selling prints for faster uploads. Also you can upload a high resolution version right from the start when you upload in the normal uploading interface, it will automatically be resized.