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1x is a curated photo gallery where every image have been handpicked for their high quality. With a membership, you can take part in the curation process and also try uploading your own best photos and see if they are good enough to make it all the way.
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New Photo Directory - elegant overview of your photos

We have made a very convenient overview of all your photos called Photo Directory, which you will find in your account menu. In Photo Directory you can edit information about photos, like descrption, location and and camera settings. We very much encourage you to fill out this information, especially description and location. You can use the map to pin where your photos were taken.

It's also more easy than ever to see which of your photos are made availble as prints. You can select or deselect photos as prints with a simple check box right in the overview. You can also see if you have uploaded a high resolution file or not. We encourage you to make as many photos availble as possible. Thanks to our new partners we are selling more than a thousand prints every month, so don't miss out on this great opportunity.

By adding a description you increase your chances of selling prints a lot. The description doesn't have to be very long, just four-five sentences about the idea behind your photo and what we can see in it is enough. If you are not that familiar with English, ask a friend to translate or try Google translate.

We hope you will find the Photo Directory useful! Contact support if you have any questions.

not related - but a note to the crew. Looks like the blog feature finds its popularity among spammers. I noticed on Blogs from members 2 accounts which don't deal with photography, just promote some odd stuff...
Is there anyway of editing nude content preference on a photo once uploaded? Im sure that used to be possible
Would be nice to have a search field on the Google Maps, to be able to type in the location rather than having to discover it in the map.
Not quite related, but what happened with the Curation Info, seems to have disappeared from the Settings.
Sorry, nevermind, found it ;)
I haven't found it. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks 8^)
Under the Cog Wheel, go to Edit Photo Details, scroll to the bottom.
It was already noted that data should be fetched from the EXIF. Also the directory should include full info data (pupularity, views, no of comments, no of favorites, is curated...) and enable access to the phto page.
Good points, we will fix that!
One important field was lost in the conversion to the new lay out ... important for people searching images : THE TAGS ! Probably just forgotten, and easy to bring in again.
Yes, you're right, thanks for pointing that out, we will fix it as soon as possible.
Excellent upgrade, which provides more information of the photograph and allows us to understand better.
Thanks, glad you like it!
Great! Love it. But it would be much greater, if we could populate the fields from the EXIF data. Everything could be filled in automatically as far as stored in EXIF. Today I have to copy description (EXIF comments) and all the technical details by hand.
It's sometimes hard to extract exif data from photos because there is no standard for exif, but we will definitely do our best to implement this.
Well, I was just like a child with the google map just now, and found a satellite view with exactly the same images as on my photo - BUT, the latitude and longitude are not registering. Am I doing something wrong. I find the spot, bring the little man there and then save the details.
It sounds like you are doing it correctly, we will investigate if there is any problem.
Thank you Ralf. I wonder, might we have a search bar at the bottom to put in the location, so the map takes us to the area without having to drag the map to the location?